Chapter - 8

534 38 18

Umaiyal POV

I have finished my morning routine and just had breakfast, which I would say is awesome. However, I do miss spicy Korean noodles, which I normally like to have at least twice a week. If only I had brought some ingredients with me.

I am trying to find my so-called brother 'Vandiyathevan' as I know he must be somewhere here, sleeping beside a balcony. I am excited about the next part, as this is where we will be going to Kudanthai Jothidar's home. But what if someone else finds my identity by then? I shook my head and went hurriedly to check up on Dev.

I turned the corner and saw a figure still sleeping—this idiot! I looked around and found a jug with water in it. I took that and went near him. For a second, I thought I shouldn't pour it in his face as he looked so peaceful and cute when he slept. If only he looked like this every time. But I want to meet Kundavai soon, so here we go, I said to myself, pouring the water on his face.

'Who is there? ' he shouted and stood up. I laughed loudly, looking at his so-called scared face.

'Aw! The mighty warrior is scared! ' I said and laughed again. His serious face turned to a smile, which I love.

'Okay, now get ready; we should be going!' I said and started to pack his stuff, which was lying around.

I had my things packed, which is not that much, and Manimegalai gave me a necklace that she thought would go great with my skin tone, and I am currently wearing it. She also packed extra sweets for the road.

But I stopped, turned to look into Dev's eyes, and remembered last night's events and what would have happened.

'So seeing you well today says you were careful enough to hide properly yesterday night,' I asked, eyebrows raised.

He gaped at me but soon realized I knew the stuff and chuckled.

'Well, I did what I do best. After all, I am the man who my prince Aditha Karikalan trusts! aren't I?' His words contain so much pride but fun hidden in it.

As he got ready, Kanthamaran came and greeted me with a shy smile. What's with these people? Hadn't they seen girls around here?

And then Dev started to flow along with lies to leave the place sooner as it's not good to be here for long. Later, he went to have breakfast to start the trip.

As we were about to leave, Dev made me cover my head as it was morning and told me to stay away from unwanted attention. I rolled my eyes but went with whatever he said because he knew more about the people here than me.

I am currently walking slightly before the two people who were talking nonsense. Dev is trying to get any more info about the chieftains but is acting innocent. I am having my time with Nila, my beautiful horse, who is just my baby here. As we both reached the river, we had to cross by boat, and I suddenly remembered that Nambi would be there, too. Oh, I want to meet him again. I love him.

Our horses were locked in another flatboat to carry them, and we went on to a separate boat.

'Could you please wait? I think someone is coming,' I said to the boatman. Dev looked at me as if saying, "What the hell are you planning?" but his expression changed once he saw Nambi, who came in out of breath to catch the boat.

'Oh no! Oy, please start rowing; we don't have to wait for that man,' Dev shouted. Some Saivites also started to protest about the wait. But with one look from me, the boatman didn't move. I'm not sure why, but it worked.

Nambi smiled at me which caused me to smile widely not caring about others, this man does the work so respect. 'So Nambi seems you didn't about me after all' I asked him teasingly. 'How would I forget someone who sang a beautiful song to my Vishnu? It seems like you are the avatar of Aandal herself,' He said and sat next to Dev, who was throwing a dagger at me through his eyes.

Before I could ask other questions, I saw a boat rowing quite a distance from us, and my eyes widened at the outlook of one figure in that. Is that the guy from yesterday's night? My blue eyeball literally would have been in the water if not for the disturbance that was happening beside me. I sighed and turned around to find Nambi's head being dunked in the water.

'Oh Anna, leave the poor fellow!' I said and went to rescue the smart Vaisnavite from Dev. I wipe the water out of his hair.

'Now, Vaishnavare, please answer Anna's question properly because I don't want you to see your Perumal soon, okay?' I said and smiled sweetly, to which Nambi looked at me curiously, like he was trying to find out who I was really.

I also noted that another guy was currently in our boat and looking at us, mainly at me. I slouched my shoulder and diverted my eyes to the other side. I couldn't help but want to reach Kundanthai Josiyar's house soon. I also want to ask Josiyar about my stay here if he knew anything at all.

'Amma, here, eat this; you seem very thin.' An elderly woman sitting next to me offered me some Sooru(rice). Wow, being thin here is not seen as beauty at all. I started gulping the cooked rice and some neer Moore (buttermilk), following up and thanking her.

'Uma, we have to go to-', I interrupted him by nodding, indicating I knew. I said goodbye to Nambi and went our way. But I could feel eyes on me, and I couldn't shake it off. After multiple attempts, I finally started to ignore it and just went with the flow.

Kundhavai! We are coming to Kudanthai Josiyar!


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