Chapter - 6

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Third Person POV

'Nambi! The first time I saw you, I knew you were some kind of sick person. You will get me into trouble! Now leave before I do something to you,' Vandiyadevan shouted at him, to which Umaiyal laughed silently, knowing the true reason behind it.

'Oh, Leave it, Anna(Brother), don't hurt that, Vaishnavan, ' Umaiyal tried to calm Dev down, and surprisingly, he did, mainly cause she called him brother, which he didn't often hear from the opposite sex, nor did he like before meeting this peculiar one. Nambi watched between two people who looked nothing alike; hmm, something was going on, he thought to himself.

'Oh, I see! Let us see how you get inside that palace! Hmm, you can't do any help to other people but can mock them. You look like a warrior, but you offered nothing. And make sure to keep your sister safe,' Nambi shouted and started to walk away.

'Shall we leave for the Kadambur palace now, my dear Dev' Umaiyal said and went and mounted the horse, and Vandiyadevan followed

Umaiyal POV

To say I am hungry will not be a statement, It's been hours since I ate, and damn I miss the junk foods back home, wish I carried them here. But I gotta say after a couple of months of no junk food I feel healthy.

'Umaiyal you heard that Vaisnavite right? Follow my orders and try to stay by me,' Dev said seriously, noticing how some men looked at me while we were coming here.

'Ah, what are you planning when they chase us for entering without permission, my dear brother? ' I asked, but I bit my tongue before revealing what came next.

'Chase us? You forgot that Kandhamaran is my friend?' he said and laughed, which I copied. Oh, how well he doesn't notice the small things. He is like a puppy.

I followed him behind a lot slower, and by the time I reached him, he was already in a row with the guards, who seemed to be having fun mocking Dev. How dare they! But as my horse reached him, all their laughs became silent, and they stared at me like hawks staring at their prey.

'Who are you? And what are you doing out at this hour?!' one guard asked me, well, who are you, my father?! I thought to myself

'She is my sister, and don't you raise your voice at her?' Dev defended me and smiled at him. But the guards continued to taunt us.

'Leave us! Leave our horses! We will go back,' Vandiyadevan told, signalling me to follow him. As we went a few steps back, he whispered, 'Umaiayal, try to ride your horse as fast as possible and jump when I say.' With that, he started to go back with full force, and I, following him, did the same. Wow, this is fun, the guards scrambled out at the sight of how fast we are coming with our horses they jumped away to get away from the injuries.

We successfully went into the palace but the real game starts now.

'Umaiyal Jump!' Dev shouted, causing me to let go of my horse. I don't know how, but I landed on my feet without embarrassing myself. I didn't have time to think when Dev held my hand and ran around, but I had small legs, unlike him, who is taller!

'Run faster! why you are slow!' Dev whispered and shouted at me, him and his shouting, I hate him as a controlling brother act.

'Kandhamara! Where are you?!' Dev shouted, hoping to get his friend out and stop the guards from chasing us. Thanks to God, after a couple of shouts, I saw a figure come running towards us just as the guards rounded us up.

'Vandiyadeva! What a surprise! My dear friend!' Kandamaran ran and hugged Dev, and they smiled widely.

'At last, you came. If not, your guards would have started to get into a fight with me!' Dev said and laughed. 'You idiots! Do you know who he is?! he is my friend! This is how you treat the guest! Go away,' Kandhamaran shouted at the guards, who bowed their heads in shame and guilt.

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