Chapter - 3

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Silence prevailed in the room like a big storm had just passed by. Umaiyal sat there motionless after hearing all their stories about this Prophecy and how it started. There was no way she could be the one that the Prophecy told. Her birthmarks may not even be the symbol; they are just assuming it.

'Ok!, Ok!' I don't know what to say. One day, you wake up to a different era, and they think you are their Prophecy, Umaiyal thought.

'Devi, are you alright?' Vanthiyathevan asked as Umaiyal breathed heavily. She shook her head and exhaled.

'See, this is all too much to me! and you guys are wrong!' She shouted, causing others to look at each other

'Prophecy will not be wrong, and you are the proof', Aditha Karikalan's grandpa said with a smile.

'You old man! you don't understand!' She shouted, which caused angry stares to rise at her cause you don't disrespect the elders.

'I am sorry, it's just I don't belong here! This is not my time! Please understand.' Tears started to form in her eyes. Even though it could be all wonderful that she time-travelled, this was not where she should be.

'My dear, then where do you belong? Which kingdom are you in your time?' the old man asked. She bit her tongue as she didn't want them to know that the Chola dynasty was no more, nor was there any kingdom left from where she came.

'Please take me back to the beach, and I will show you.' If she can travel through the cave, then she can travel back.

They all nodded, not wanting to hurt the guest more. She covered her top with her sweater because suddenly, she felt cold.

'Wait! you can't walk out wearing those!' Aditha Karikalan said, not looking at her.

'Well, I don't have any clothes to change or have time to get dressed in a saree. So either this and come along, or I go alone!' She said without batting her eyelids. She wants to find the cave.

They called a pallakku to carry her out, as she and her attire may attract attention, and there will be spies. She sat in the pallak and felt trapped by time.

What seemed like ages, even though it's not as when you are trapped, all you feel is loneliness. She felt the pallak hit the ground and footsteps arriving near her. Vandiyathen slightly pulled the screen and signalled her to come out.

'Which cave is the one you mentioned, Umaiyal' Aditha Karikalan asked.

'Ah, it's supposed to be a bit back in front of the beach,' she said, walking through as others followed.

'Is that one you are talking about?' Parthibendean pointed where others turned their head, but Umaiyal got confused. This is the front side, not the one she met at the end.

'This is the front side, not the back,' she said, and others looked at her confused.

'There is no back to this. It only has one way,' Aditha Karikalan's Grandpa said.

'No, even I thought like that, let me show you.' She thought maybe if I walked again, I would be back in my time. She hurriedly went, not caring if it was dark, as others followed her, asking her to stop.

But to her surprise, after only two minutes, she got hit by the barrier, which Indicated the end.

'No! It can't be!' She started to hit the wall as if it would pave the way.

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