Chapter - 5

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Umaiyal went in to get her things and start her departure with Vandiyadevan. The plot she had only read till now will be real, and she will be witnessing it, but deep down, she is nervous about what if being here changes the course of the event. If any change happens, she wouldn't be able to know it and alert the Prince. But did she want to change it? There is no villain in this story, Pandiya's are not villain actually both Pandiayargal and Cholargal along with Cheras the ancestors of her land so don't want to consider the opposite side as bad.

She changed into a pure silk saree, which Aruvi had offered to Umaiyal back when she started the war. It was Moon blue, which matched her eyes. She also collected her items and safely kept them in her bag, praying not to lose them. She prayed to her Krishna one last time before going in to bid goodbye for a while to Aditha Karikalan.

Umaiyal POV

As I entered the tent, Aditha Karikalan stood facing the wall, which he seemed to admire.

'I came here to bid farewell to my Crown prince,' I said, and he turned around to look at me.

'Umaiyal, going with Vandiyadevan is no joke. You have to make sure to follow whatever he says, as he is good at analyzing situations.' He said and looked into my eyes. I could see there was something hurting him. Each time he looked at me, there was this pain in his eyes, which I can't put together.

'Sure, Prince, I will follow him and his advice.' I smiled at him.

'One more thing you have to be careful about, you should not meet up with Pazhuvettaraiyar's alone or even meet them, it's not good for you for them to see you' His words made me narrow my eyes, why shouldn't I meet them?

'May I ask why? Aren't they also aware of the prophecy, as they have been the protectors of Chola's reign for so long?' I know what will go wrong, but they already know about the prophecy.

'Yeah, they know, and it's kept secret within the kings, but that's not why I am asking you to stay low. It's because you look-' His words made me more curious, and I nodded my head to go on, but he just stopped right at the end without completing the sentence.

Before he could say we were disturbed by none other than Dev, my dear friend, I sighed and looked at the back to witness him standing already.

'My Prince it's time and we have to leave now, If you give us permission we may start our journey' Dev said while bowing.

'Sure, before that, I have to give you something, Umaiyal, ' he said and went towards the table where a small box was being kept. He opened the box and took out a dagger.

'This, I made this when I was 13, and it's been with me for years. Now I want you to keep it until we see again. This will also keep you safe, and by showing this, you can let my father and my sister know that you are sent by me,' he said and placed the dagger in my hand.

 This will also keep you safe, and by showing this, you can let my father and my sister know that you are sent by me,' he said and placed the dagger in my hand

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