Chapter - 7

774 36 21

Umaiyal POV

My legs hurried to find my way back to Anthapuram. Why did I send Iniyal away? Dumb brain, Uma! I shouted at myself. I see stairs. Yeah, that's it. I can follow and reach myself. I went with the path the stairs took me, but as I walked, I started to witness more darkness, like there was no light source for this part—definitely not the right one. I sighed but calmed myself.

'Ok if you keep on walking maybe you can get there, it's not a maze' I said and walk the walk, but damn!. Ok, I am officially lost.

'Krishna! Please show me the path!' I shouted and held my bag closer as the darkness scared me. But I could hear a faint sound coming from the right end.

'Hmm, maybe there will be people, ' I told myself as I walked to the place. To my surprise, it led me to a balcony.

'Wow! The view from here is everything! I can see almost all of the city outside.' I smiled at the view, took my camera from my bag, and clicked the picture. After that, I kept it safely inside my bag and inhaled the air, which was very crisp and pure. I opened my eyes to see a group of fireflies swarming over me.

Back home, I had never seen fireflies; now, they are coming in a bunch

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Back home, I had never seen fireflies; now, they are coming in a bunch. Normally, insects and flies make my skin crawl, but not now. Instead, I smiled and held my hand out. One fly landed on my index finger and didn't move but looked at me curiously.

'Oh! Hi, little fella, thank you for coming to my rescue.' I laughed at how he stayed there. Wait, did I assume the gender of a fly? I am really going mental. I shook my head and looked at the fly, how it was glowing in the dark, and how careless they were not to have the materialistic worry. I watched the firefly fly away from me.

I exhaled and thought of getting back on my way to find Anthapuram. As I turned around only for my leg to skid, and for a second thought, I was going to fall to my death, but a hand pulled me straight away from the balcony. My face got smacked to a warm/hard surface.

'Ouch!' I shouted due to the impact and turned my head to see I was at the balcony's edge. I sighed in relief that I was not dead yet. But I stopped and turned in front of me to see a chest, well not any chest but a packed one, and my eyes went down to see a six-pack; awesome upper body and slightly tanned one made it even more admirable. I am unsure how long I was gazing at the body before me. As my eyes descended below, I heard someone clear their throat, and my eyes snapped above to meet a face that held handsomeness and something else that I found attractive.

'Wow,' I said without thinking, and my eyes went wide at that. I could see he was waiting for me to say something. I cleared my throat and opened my mouth to thank him for saving me.

'Thank you', I said and smiled, but He didn't, making my smile disappear.

'Never knew that Mohini would be real?' His voice made chills in my body. I raised my eyebrow at him, and he smirked.

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