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"okay, we should be stopped at the top as the fireworks start." jisung mumbled to himself as they got seated on the ferris wheel.

"is now a good time to mention i'm scared of heights?" minho chuckled as he felt the ferris wheel moving up.

"i am too, just..look at me, don't look down." jisung said gently, taking minhos hand in his.

"so romantic." minho said as a smile stretched across his face.

"what can i say? we go together like the gum on my shoes." jisung shrugged.

"i'm stuck on you forever." minho smiled.

jisung leaned in, capturing minhos lips when he felt the ferris wheel still. he kissed him gently as fireworks went off in the background. minho deepened the kiss, scooting even closer to jisung. they both smiled into the kiss. it was slow and gentle, and quiet a romantic sight.

they separated, small smiles on their faces as they got lost in each others eyes. the felt the ferris wheel descending, connecting their lips for a shorter kiss as the fireworks continued.

the pulled apart as the ferris wheel reached the bottom, allowing the worker to open up the bar so they could get down.

"that was so romantic!" ryujin yelled as they walked over to the four teenagers who were waiting for them.

"thanks." jisung smiled, holding onto minhos arm. "min, do you want to sleepover at my apartment? you guys are welcome to stay too."

"i'd love to." minho smiled.

"i'll just tell my mom." ryujin nodded.

"me too." jooyeon nodded.

the group headed to their cars, jisung giving minho a goodbye kiss as they separated.

"jeez, you'll see him soon." yuna chuckled.

"oh whatever." jisung rolled his eyes. "i'm gonna text felix and tell him to go get extra blankets and pillows because i already know those bitches are waiting for me."

"oh, you have roommates?" jooyeon asked curiously.

"no, i have four friends who act like they don't pay rent for their own apartments." jisung playfully rolled his eyes. "we'll make a giant bed in the middle of the floor so we can all sleep there."

"sounds fun!" ryujin smiled.


"YUNA! HYEONGJUN!" felix screamed as he ran to jisungs siblings.

"FELIX!" yuna screamed back.

"neighbors!" jisung reminded.

"hey felix." hyeongjun chuckled.

"okay so jisung texted about the sleepover so we got pizza and sodas since jisung isn't a big fan of drinking." felix smiled excitedly as he walked into the living room, allowing everyone to enter.

"this is a nice ass apartment!" ryujin spoke in awe.

"daddy's money." jisung shrugged.

"wait, really? dad pays for this?" yuna asked.

"yeah." jisung nodded.

"his credit card is my new best friend." she shrugged.

everyone introduced themselves, getting comfortable sprawled out over the living room.

"so, we get to properly meet minho." felix smirked.

"felix i swear if you say anything stupid i'll rip your vocal chords out." jisung warned.

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