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"we should invite chan hyung and jeongin." felix said as he looked up from his phone.

"oh you know chan hyung?" minho asked.

"yeah, we're all pretty close." changbin nodded.

"go ahead and text them." jisung agreed.

"kk." felix responded.

"i'll be back, my moms calling." jisung stood up, walking to the balcony as he answered his phone.

"hey jiji." jieun spoke softly.

"hey mom, you okay? it's late." jisung asked.

"yeah i just wanted to know how your night was!" jisung could hear the smile on her face.

"we had a lot of fun, thanks mom. but uh...did you have another night terror?" jisung asked quietly.

"...yeah." she sighed.

"are you okay now?" jisung was worried, to say the least.

"i'm too scared to go back to sleep." jieun replied in a whisper.

"dads there right? what's he doing?" jisung asked.

"he thinks i fell back asleep so he went back to sleep." she let out a shaky sigh.

"mom you need to wake him up." jisung urged.

"no, it's okay. i don't want him to lose sleep over me." jieun shook her head.

"mom, your health is important too. have him make you a cup of tea or something but please wake dad up." jisung begged.

"okay, that sounds good." she said gently. "i'll go wake him now, thank you jiji. i love you."

"good night mom, i love you too." jisung said as the call ended.

"is everything okay?" yuna asked as jisung walked back inside.

"yeah, mom just wanted to check up on us." jisung nodded.

"hey guys!" chan waved as he entered jisungs apartment, hand in hand with jeongin.

"hey hyung. now that everyone is here do you want to set up the bed and watch movies?" jisung asked.

"yeah sounds good. everyone get up and help." felix nodded.

everyone nodded, helping set out the blankets and pillows. minho and jisung moved the coffee table and the couch, setting them to the side to make room.

"now that the bed is made, we have a new problem. what are we going to watch?" felix asked.

"i don't really care, you guys can pick." jisung shrugged, cuddling up next to minho.

"bitch i'm indecisive, don't leave this up to me!" felix groaned.

"i am too???? why do you think i don't care????" jisung responded.

"okay, what are things in movies that people draw the line at?" chan asked.

"sexual violence."

"self harm."


"too much gore."

everyone shouted their answers.

"okay...what about barbie movies?" chan sighed.

"YES!" was shouted throughout the room.

"i lied, i do care what we watch. we will start with the twelve dancing princes aka the best barbie movie in existence and binge the rest in whatever order." jisung said as he got up, grabbing a black movie case.

"is that just a case of barbie movies?" minho giggled as he watched jisung open the case.

"yes." jisung nodded.

"who even has a dvd player anymore?" jeongin laughed.

"tasteful people who like barbie." jisung rolled his eyes as he insert the disk into the dvd player. "now shush i'm about to start the movie.


"hey cutie, can i get a glass of water?" minho whispered as everyone else was asleep.

"yeah, cmon i'll get you one." jisung nodded, the two tiptoeing around the sleeping group.

they made their way to the kitchen, jisung grabbing a cup to fill with water.

"so, you really like barbie huh?" minho chuckled as jisung handed him his water.

"yep. best movies, she's an icon and she is the moment." jisung nodded.

"what do you like about her? blonde hair and blue eyes? perfect body? courageous? loyal?" minho asked, taking a sip of his water.

"min, what are you on about?" jisung giggled.

"just need to know my competition." minho playfully shrugged.

"first, i'm gay. second, there is no competition. i told you i have eyes for only you." jisung rolled his eyes, lightly hitting minhos shoulder.

the two muffled their laughs, looking back over to the group that was asleep.

"i'm having a lot of fun getting to know you." minho said with a soft smile.

"i'm learning a lot while going on dates with you." jisung nodded.

"you deserve to know what it's like to have someone genuinely care about you. and not in a friend way." minho set his cup down, pulling jisung into a hug.

"thanks min, seriously." jisung whispered as he wrapped his arms around minhos waist.

"let's go get some sleep." minho placed a gentle kiss on top of jisungs head, pulling away slowly.

"yeah." jisung nodded.

they walked back into the living room, tiptoeing over everyone once again. they laid back in their spot, wrapping their arms around each other. minho put one leg up over jisungs, smiling contently.

"good night min." jisung whispered with a soft smile.

"good night, beautiful."

a/n: hello my beautiful readers! how are you guys? i'm doing okay. i love you so much <3

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