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"kids! breakfast is ready!" jieun called out, everyone slowly leaving their rooms.

"thanks mom." jisung hugged her, pressing a kiss onto the side of her head.

"no problem honey, sit and eat." she smiled.

"so beomgyu, how are you and the others getting along?" daeun asked as everyone got settled.

"i love having siblings. even though you two aren't married yet. it's nice, and they're easy to get along with." beomgyu smiled.

"that's good." daeun nodded.

"so...how was the rest of your night with mom?" yuna asked her mother.

"it was um..nice." jieun cleared her throat, shuffling in her seat.

"any night terrors last night?" jisung asked.

"no, none. thanks honey. but i am going to see a therapist and find out how to make them stop. or at least not occur so often." jieun smiled.

"daeun, i hope you're feeling welcomed here." jisung smiled softly.

"i am, thanks sweetheart." she smiled. "i'm just so...happy. the woman i've loved for so many years is finally mine."

"wish i could be somebody's." jisung playfully rolled his eyes.

"damn what am i?" minho chuckled.

"the man who's courting me. and doing a damn good job at it." jisung giggled.

"i want to know more about minho." jieun smiled, turning towards them.

"ask away." minho giggled.


"we'll see you later mom." jisung smiled as him and minho gave everyone their goodbye hugs.

"don't come back until you're official boyfriends." jieun teased.

"you heard the woman." jisung giggled, taking minhos hand in his as they walked out the door.

they got into jisungs car, buckling up. jisung didn't start the car, he instead was busy looking at minho. he stared at him with a look of adoration, hearts in his eyes.

"is there something on my face?" minho chuckled, leaning his head closer as they made eye contact. not too close though. not as close as jisung would've liked.

"beauty." jisung smiled.

"does us not being official yet really bug you? or were you just joking?" minho asked.

"i was just joking, min. how are you feeling about it?" jisung asked replied gently.

"i'm okay with how we are now. i don't want to rush into things." minho said with a soft smile. "but the talking stage can't last too long."

"let's go to my place, yeah? we can cuddle and watch movies." jisung smiled.

"sounds perfect." minho replied.

jisung closed the gap between them, kissing minho softly. when they pulled apart jisung started the car, driving back to his apartment. once they reached his apartment, jisung was quick to enter. he shut and locked the door behind them, pulling minho into his room.

he threw the bag of "gifts" from his mom at the end of his bed, pushing minho onto the bed. minho looked up at him as he straddled his lap, connecting their lips. his hands tangled in minhos hair, minho holding him close by the waist.

"this is not what we planned." minho chuckled against jisungs lips.

"you're right. i'm too tired to have sex right now." jisung giggled, getting off of minho. "cigarette?"

"yes please." minho smiled.

jisung got a cigarette off of his night stand, placing it between his lips. he moved to sit on the floor, not feeling like cleaning the ashes off of his bed. minho joined him on the ground, leaning his head on jisungs shoulder.

"who knew?" minho sighed with a soft smile.

"who knew what?"

"that a couple one night stands would lead to a long talking phase. and the best one ever." minho smiled as jisung handed him the cigarette.

"definitely not me." jisung chuckled. "but i'm glad things are working out the way that they are."

"i am too. i'm glad you had a little change of heart." minho smiled as he took a drag.

"uh, excuse you. it was a very big change of heart and it was very scary." jisung playfully rolled his eyes.

"well...i'm proud of you." minho smiled.

"i will go down on you." jisung replied blankly.

"you don't have to sexually satisfy me as a thank you for everything. for anything, really." minho chuckled.

"i just like doing it and also i'm not really used to people caring about me. romantically. you know this." jisung replied with a small laugh.

"just a simple 'thank you' will do. never feel like you have to pleasure me. ever, okay? that's not what i'm here for. it's how i got here, but it's not why i stayed." minho spoke gently.

lee minho, i love you.

"thanks min..i appreciate you." jisung replied with a small smile.

"always." minho smiled, placing a short and gentle kiss onto jisungs lips.

"let's cuddle and watch some movies now." jisung smiled, standing up and putting out the cigarette. he threw it away, grabbing the vacuum. he quickly vacuumed up the ashes, putting it back.

he crawled into bed next to minho, who was already searching for something to watch. jisung cuddled up next to minho, their legs tangling together as minho wrapped his arm around jisung. jisung laid his head on minhos chest, a small smile on his face.

"wanna watch boys over flowers? a classic." minho suggested.

"fuck yes."

a/n: hi my loves! how are you? i'm tired. just tired. i love you all, and i'm so proud of you <3

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