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"beomgyu, you can sleep in my room since minhos definitely sleeping with jisung." hyeongjun offered as they walked into the house.

"thank you." beomgyu smiled. "but we have to talk about our boyfriends until we fall asleep."

"deal." hyeongjun nodded.

"i'm going to go say good night to my mom." jisung pressed a kiss onto minhos cheek. "you coming with?"

"yeah, of course." minho smiled.

the two intertwined their fingers as they walked into the kitchen, interrupting jieun and daeuns make out session.

"oh! sorry." jieun giggled as she pulled away. "what's up?"

"just came to say good night." jisung chuckled.

"it was lovely meeting you, and i'll do my best to take care of you." daeun smiled.

"i'll do the same." jisung returned her smile.

"oh, since you two will be sleeping in your room, i stocked you up on some stuff." jieun winked, pulling jisung in for a hug.

"mom!" jisung whined, wrapping his arms around his mother.

"look, i'm not dense." she chuckled. "i know you two are going to have sex and i just would rather you be safe."

"i appreciate it." jisung mumbled.

"good night honey. i love you both." jieun said as she pressed a kiss onto her sons cheek. she pulled minho in for a hug, hugging him tightly.

"good night." minho smiled.

"tonight was stressful, you two go enjoy yourselves." she winked.

"oh my god mom!" jisung took minhos hand, quickly leaving in embarrassment as his mothers giggle rang through the air.

"well, we can't let it go to waste." minho smirked.

"i'm so embarrassed, shut up." jisung groaned as he led them up the stairs.

they made it to jisungs room, jisung shutting and locking the door behind him. he opened up his bed side table drawer and sure enough, there were condoms, lube, and a vibrator.

"look she even got us a new toy." minho teased. "still in the package and everything. she knew."

"min i swear if you don't shut up." jisung groaned, flopping onto his bed.

"what's wrong." minho asked gently as he noticed how anxious jisung looked.

"i just..." jisung took a deep breath. "i've never had sex while i was sober. and the idea of having sex while i'm sober is a little scary for me."

"that's okay." minho said gently, taking ahold of jisungs hand. "we don't have to do anything."

"no, but i want to." jisung sat up. "i mean, that one time in the dance studio was amazing, but other than that i've never done anything sober."

"do you trust me?" minho asked softly.

"yes." jisung nodded, looking into minhos eyes.

"do you want to have sex?" minho asked.

"yes." jisung nodded.

"i will take care of you. i won't judge you. you have nothing to be afraid of, okay?" minho assured gently.

"thank you, min." jisung smiled, leaning in and connecting their lips.

minho kissed him softly, pulling him closer. jisungs arms wrapped around minhos neck as he straddled his lap. jisung slowly rolled his hips forward, getting encouraged by the way minho moaned into the kiss.

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