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cue the mfing wedding bells☹️🥳

"hey bub, how you feeling?" jieun asked as she sat next to jisung as felix did his makeup.

"nervous." jisung responded.

"i was the same way when daeun and i got married two years ago." jieun nodded. "but everything will be okay."

"thanks mom." jisung smiled.

"anything for you hun." she smiled softly.

"i'm also excited though." jisungs smile widened. "i'm finally marrying the love of my life."

"so am i getting a boy or a girl first?" jieun asked playfully.

"a girl. i've always wanted a daughter. and yuna can  be the cool aunt and take her shopping." jisung chuckled.

"you do love me!" yuna smiled happily.

"when have i never?" jisung chuckled.

"fair. ryu, when is it our turn to get married?" she turned to her girlfriend.

"baby we're only half way through college. let's wait just a couple more years." ryujin chuckled.

"fine." yuna huffed, adding a subtle shimmer to her lid.

"we can get married next year!" hyeongjun turned to jooyeon, smiling widely.

"that's right." jooyeon chuckled.

"at least all my kids are waiting until they graduate college to get married." jieun chuckled. "i just waited until i was legal. very bad idea."

"don't hold yourself to your past mistakes mom. if you never married that...monster, you would've never had us." jisung smiled.

"you guys are worth the trauma." jieun chuckled as she place a kiss on jisungs temple.

"mom." jisung frowned.

"it's okay, i'm doing a lot better now. it happened and there's nothing i can do to change that. at least i have my kids." she smiled softly.

"you guys ready to go, we can not fuck up this wedding." felix said as he finished jisungs makeup.

"he's more stressed than i am and it's my wedding." jisung chuckled.

"because i want everything to be perfect for you ji. you're one of my soulmates, i want you to have the best wedding day." felix sighed, pulling jisung into a hug.

"you're gonna make me cry the makeup off already?" jisung chuckled.

"okay, okay. let's go!" jieun rushed them. "jisung get your suit on."

"okay, let's do this." jisung breathed out.


"you may say your vows." the officiant spoke.

"han jisung...where do i begin? the moment i laid eyes on you i was so drawn to you. thank you for giving me a chance to know you for who you are. thank you for letting me see han jisung.

"you may not see this but you're genuinely such an amazing person. you care so much about everyone around you and you always give it your all when you do something. you don't realize how strong you are. you're passionate about the things you love. your heart shaped smile lights up every room you walk into, and it fits perfectly with mine." minho winked. "you pay extra attention to the little things.

"you do everything with care. you're genuinely so beautiful. you may not see it, but i'm glad you gave me the chance to. like you've always said, we go together like the gum on my shoe. and thats cause i will always be stuck to you. han jisung, i love you." minho smiled softly.

"lee minho." jisung laughed as tears rolled down his cheeks. "i'm glad it was you. it was you who didn't use me for my body. it was you who genuinely wanted to get to know me. and it is you who's standing in front of me at the alter.

"you've been nothing but supportive and kind. you always take such good care of me. you helped save me from myself and i couldn't be more thankful. of course, we go together like the gum on my shoe because you'll always be stuck to me. and i wouldn't have it any other way.

"you are my soulmate. the universe destined us to meet and things started out rough because i was scared. i was terrified. i thought that once you realize i'm not as great as my body, you'd leave. i thought i was going to get hurt. but i don't regret it. not for a second.

"i was terrified but you always made sure i was comfortable. you never saw me as my body. if i could go back, i wouldn't change a thing. i'd do this all over again. being here with you right now at our wedding makes it all worth it. our relationship was complicated to me for a bit, but i wouldn't change a thing. it was all worth it. i threw my fears to the side and now i'm here with you. and i wouldn't have it any other way. lee minho, i love you." jisung smiled softly, trying to stop the tears.

"rings?" the officiant looked to beomgyu. beomgyu bowed, holding up the pillow with the rings on it for the couple to take.

they slid the rings onto each others fingers, smiling softly at each other. they drowned out everyone else, getting lost in each others eyes.

"i do." minho smiled widely, holding jisungs hand tightly.

"i do." jisung responded even though he barely heard what the officiant was saying.

"i now pronounce you husbands, you may kiss your groom."

minho gently pulled jisung close by his waist, connecting their lips. he kissed him softly, pulling away with a soft smile on his face.

"LETS GET WHITE GIRL WASTED!" felix screamed from behind jisung, causing the cheers to get louder.

a/n: next chapter is the last chapter ☹️💔 BUT ITS OKAY I HAVE A NEW BOOK COMING OUT VERY SOON ‼️‼️‼️

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