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"ji how'd you sleep?" felix asked as the couple sat down at the table.

"i slept well." jisung nodded.

"you feeling better?" hyunjin asked.

"yeah, thanks guys." jisung chuckled.

"eat up." jieun placed a plate in front of jisung, and a kiss on the side of his head.

"thanks mom." jisung smiled.

"what's the plan for today?" beomgyu asked as he began eating.

"today is a lazy day. here's midol if you're hungover." jieun placed the bottle of pills on the table.

"thank fuck." felix grabbed the bottle.

"lazy day plans?" beomgyu asked.

"movies and more drinking!" daeun smiled.

"yeah, basically." jieun nodded.

"good with me." felix nodded.

"mom it's noon." jisung chuckled.

"so? have some fun, cmon kid. it's not like we day drink every single day." jieun shrugged.

"okay, sure." jisung nodded.

"we're not drinking too much though. i don't want anyone throwing up." daeun added.

"yeah, seriously felix. i'll make mixed drinks so please sip on it while we watch movies." jieun laughed.

"me!" felix gasped. "fair."

"what are we watching?" chan asked.

"i was thinking we can watch parasite first." daeun said as she sat down.

"yes!" hyeongjun did a happy dance at his seat.

"i know it's your favorite." daeun smiled. "don't worry, i'm not trying to replace your dad. i'd never stoop to his level. i'm trying to be the best second mom to you."

"it's working." yuna nodded. "moms been so happy since you guys got together."

"i've noticed it too. she's glowing." beomgyu smiled. "both of you are."

"well, seems like i'm doing everything right." daeun said with a soft smile.

"i feel so relieved finally seeing my mom happy. i can tell she's genuinely happy." jisung said with a soft smile and a small sigh.

"thank you baby." jieun smiled. "i also feel relieved that you don't have to deal with that abuse anymore. i feel so guilty but i was too scared to leave him."

"and that's not your fault. you have nothing to be sorry for and you have no reason to feel guilty. he was abusing you too." jisung said sternly but gently.

"i'm over here all the time and these two women are sickly cute." jooyeon nodded. "whenever there's a misunderstanding they take the time to communicate and that's followed by one of them apologizing and the other giggling and telling her it's okay."

"it's a nice change. i've been in love with her for years." jieun chuckled.

"you guys are so cute shut the fuck up!" felix held back a scream.

"eat your food and i'll make you a drink." jieun chuckled.

"FUCK YEAH!" felix yelled, immediately beginning to eat.


"i think i'm drunk." jisung giggled into minhos chest.

"you've had like four drinks, what'd you expect?" minho chuckled as he ran his fingers through jisungs hair.

"and you haven't finished your first!" jisung poked his chest.

"okay, okay. shhhh and watch the movie." minho ruffled his hair.

"mmmm i think we should go upstairs and have fun." jisung smirked.

"no, you're drunk." minho shook his head.

"pleeeaaassse! i consent!" jisung whined quietly.

"nope. you're drunk. watch the movie." minho played with his boyfriends hair.

"but min!" jisung groaned.

"han jisung. you're drunk, leave the poor man alone." jieun looked over at him.

"i would say get a room but...yeah no." felix sighed.

"i wouldn't do anything anyways." minho shook his head.

"good." jieun nodded, smiling softly. "but quiet him down we're watching something." she chuckled as her son continued his drunk rambles.

"jisungie, watch the movie. please?" minho said softly.

"fine." jisung huffed, angrily turning to face the tv.

"so cute." minho cooed, ruffling his hair again.

"i'm gonna make another drink, anyone else want another one?" felix stood up.

"i'll take one." minho nodded as he drank the rest of his. "i need to catch up to you guys."

"okay, i'll be back." felix said as he grabbed minhos cup.

"you're drinking more!" jisung smiled.

"mhm, not for that though!" minho laughed as jisungs smile deflated.

"you hate me." he turned over.

"i won't do that because i love you." minho chuckled.

"if we're both drunk later can we?" jisung asked.

"let's not tonight." minho shook his head softly.

"fine." jisung sighed, cuddling into minhos chest. "tomorrow can we start moving your stuff into my apartment?"

"yes, we can my love." minho nodded softly.

"yayyyy! he loves me!" jisung giggled. "my boyfriends moving in with me!"

"han jisung please shut up." jieun sighed.

"oops. sorry." he whispered. "min!"

"yes?" minho whispered back.

"i love you. so so sooo much. let's get married." jisung giggled as he whispered to his boyfriend.

"i love you, so so sooo much." minho chuckled. "let's talk about that later, and when you're sober."

"yayyyy!" jisung hugged him tightly.

"you're cut off for now. you need to eat and drink some water." minho chuckled.

a/n: i went hiking today with my mother in law (sisters fiancés mom) and it was so fun i love her. she helped me climb on top of a rock that was off trail cause we're just rebels like that 😍🫶🫶

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