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"okay! i got the ingredients for dinner, lots of different alcohols for you to chose from, condoms, lube, and a variety of toys for you guys to chose from." jieun announced as she walked through the door.

"you're the best!" felix jumped up to help the two women with the groceries.

"baby?" ryujin walked through the open door.

"hi my love!" yuna rushed to her, pulling her into a hug.

"jooyeon is here too." ryujin announced before gently pressing her lips against yunas.

"hi my pretty boy." hyeongjun smiled as jooyeon walked into the house.

"hi bub." jooyeon smiled, pulling hyeongjun in for a kiss.

"moms are in the kitchen." jisung announced.

"right, fuck, i'm meeting your moms." jooyeon giggled as he broke the kiss.

"the love of my life is here!" beomgyu jumped up, running to the door. he stood in the doorway, a smile on his face as he waited for his boyfriend to approach the door.

"hi my love." he giggled as he approached beomgyu.

"TAEHYUN!" beomgyu through himself at his boyfriend, taehyun spinning him. "my new mom is inside."

"let's go." taehyun giggled as he gently set beomgyu back on the ground.

"hi taehyun!" daeun smiled as he walked into the house.

"hi!" he smiled.

"is everyone here?" jieun asked as she walked out of the kitchen with bags in her hands.

"yea." jisung nodded.

"okay, daeun and i will be cooking dinner. jisung help sort out guest rooms. and take condoms, lube, and toys up to the rooms. here, go through them and pick." she said as she set the bags on the coffee table.

"whyd you buy so much?" felix laughed.

"cause i can. oh, give me the hitachi wand, that's for me and daeun." she laughed, taking the wand from the bag.

"mom!" jisung covered his face.

"you know the rules. i don't make sex awkward, and you don't either. this is a sex positive household. now, whoever has sex tonight listen up. either both of you are sober or both of you are drunk. if i find out ANYONE was taken advantage of you are not going to like what i'm going to do, okay? i don't want to be mean but i am not having anyone taken advantage of.

"while i'm listing rules, please have sex in the rooms you've chosen. and when drinking, be careful. i will allow you to drink as you please. guards will be outside to make sure no one leaves. feel free to get wasted, cause i definitely will be. teenagers! try to drink in moderation. if you need help and everyone is too drunk to help you, auntie choi will be in the kitchen.

"if you need to smoke, stay away from the balconies. you are allowed to go in the front or in the garden. a guard will stay close whenever the door opens so no one leaves the property. i think that's about it, let's have fun!" jieun smiled after she finished laying out the rules.

a chorus of "yes ma'am" echoed through the living room, jieun giving a curt nod before walking into the kitchen.


"min come here!" jisung clung onto him. everyone was now drunk off their asses, dancing in the living room.

"i'm here." minho drunkenly giggled.

"WAIT! this is mine and felixs song!" jisung let go, running to find felix.

"bitch our song!" felix giggled, grabbing onto jisungs arms as jisung went behind him.

the two were grinding on each other, scream singing the lyrics. jisung pushed felix down, the man attempting to shake his ass in the air.

"should we stop them?" minho mumbled to changbin.

"nah...it's kinda hot." changbin shrugged.

"that gives me an idea." minho giggled.

"pass me another bottle." changbin giggled.

the two cheered their bottles, chugging them. they went over to felix and jisung, dancing with them now.


hours passed and the four were sobering up. they chugged water, hoping to prevent a headache in the morning. they also ate plenty, feeling the alcohol wear off.

changbin and minho kept sending glances to each other as they all collectively sobered up. jisung and felix would share confused glances, questioning the twos behavior.

"what are you two planning?" felix asked.

"um...we wanted to have a foursome." changbin spoke awkwardly.

"seriously?" jisung asked, looking at felix for his reaction.

"i'm down." felix nodded. "we've already slept together." he shrugged as he looked at jisung.

"that's true." jisung nodded. "i mean...okay. yeah i'm down." jisung nodded.

"seriously?" minho asked. "are you sure?"

"yeah." jisung chuckled. "are you?"

"yes." minho nodded quickly.

"wait, so you two have already slept together?" changbin asked.

"yeah, forever ago. not gonna lie, i miss that pretty mouth." felix chuckled as he looked over to jisung.

"well...let's all sober up more and then we can go to jisungs room." changbin nodded.

this was going to be fun.

a/n: the minsung x changlix foursome that i keep teasing is finally happening?????????

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