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"holy shit, we really did that." felix said as he woke up, looking over at jisung.

"we actually did." the two made eye contact, bursting into laughter.

"why are you being so loud so early?" changbin groaned as they woke him up.

"seriously." minho sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"you deserve it." jisung stuck his tongue out at minho.

"what did i do?" he laughed.

"we had a foursome with my best friend and his boyfriend and i'm still not your official boyfriend." jisung rolled his eyes.

"i'll ask you when the timing is right. you'll never expect it." minho shrugged.

"come here sungs, we all know my dick was better than his." felix wrapped his arms around jisung.

"actually..." jisung giggled as he looked at felix.

"oh damn." felix shook his head.

"go back to your boyfriend." jisung giggled.

"yeah, jisung is mine." minho stuck his tongue out at felix.

"you get to carry me all day." jisung smiled.

"what? can't we just stay in bed?" minho asked.

"fine then, i'll have changbin hyung carry me all day. he has nice big muscles, and he was the one who stretched me for the double penetration which is the reason i'm in pain." jisung rolled his eyes.

"it's okay, i'll take care of you." minho wrapped his arms around jisungs waist, pulling him close.

"there you bitches are! how's your hangovers..." hyunjin furrowed his brows as he walked into the room.

"we uh...we got sober so we could have a foursome. we don't have hangovers." felix chuckled.

"you WHAT?" hyunjins eyes went wide. "greedy bitches. i expect an orgy soon." hyunjin shook his head.

"we'll see. i had minho hyung and felix up my ass at the same time, i need to recover from that." jisung shrugged.

"or we can do it right now so we don't have to re-stretch you." changbin giggled.

"oh fuck off. i'm in pain." jisung rolled his eyes.

"i'll go buy you crutches." hyunjin nodded.

"that's not necessary." jisung laughed. "go get my mom."

"okay." hyunjin nodded, leaving the room.

"why do you need your mom?" felix laughed.

"so i can cry to her about how i'm in pain so she'll make me dumplings." jisung smiled.

"baby are you okay?" jieun asked as she entered the room with a rice sock and pain killers.

"no, i'm in pain." jisung frowned.

"did you guys-" jieun sighed as she grabbed the cup of water from hyunjins hands, giving it to jisung along with pain killers.

"this is a sex positive house hold." felix giggled.

"you did stretch him properly, right?" jieun asked.

"yeah." changbin nodded.

"did only one person penetrate?" jieun asked.

"two." jisung shook his head.

"i'd go to the bathroom and make sure everything's looking right." jieun sighed.

"mom can you make dumplings?" jisund asked with a frown.

"yes baby, i will." jieun nodded.

"thank you." jisung smiled.

"of course." she laughed, leaving the room.

"oh my god, you guys." seungmin laughed as he entered the room, everyone else following behind him.

"it was minho and changbins idea." jisung shrugged.

"we just agreed with the idea." felix nodded.

"how was it? who bottomed? how did that work?" beomgyu asked.

"it was amazing, i bottomed, double penetration. minho hyung and felix fucked me and changbin hyung fucked felix." jisung answered.

"how is this not cheating?" jeongin wondered out loud.

"it was a consensual experience and i did it with my boyfriend. everything we did was with the consent of each other." changbin shrugged.

"would you guys do it again?" hyunjin asked.

"probably." felix shrugged. "it wouldn't be like an all the time thing though."

"down for an orgy? only within our friend group, leaving out beomgyu, yuna, and hyeongjun for obvious reasons." hyunjin asked.

"maybe some day." jisung shrugged.

"you guys are a weird friend group." beomgyu shrugged.

"i don't think there's anything weird about exploring and doing these things with your friends. i'd rather do this stuff knowing i'm safe and with people i can trust." felix shrugged. "and it's not like i have romantic feelings for any of you. i'm in love with changbin hyung."

"you are so real." jisung nodded.

"okay but how was your guys night?" minho asked.

"i think we all just had consensual sex with our partners." beomgyu shrugged.

"well seungmin and i were too drunk when we tried. apparently we passed out mid fuck and when we woke up, i was still inside of him. so we decided to finish." hyunjin shrugged.

"it was a nice way to wake up though. he cried cause he felt bad for passing out and he felt like he violated me because he was still inside me when we both woke up. he didn't even do anything to me but he was still sobbing cause he felt bad." seungmin laughed.

"he's a sweetheart." jisung frowned.

"dumplings are done!" jieun called from outside the door.

"mom i can't move!" jisung called back.

"okay, you guys can all eat in here, i'll have the maids bring you bowls." she said softly.

"thanks mom!" jisung called back.

"you know, i'm glad your mom provided us with a safe space." felix sighed.

"i am too." jisung nodded.



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