It's time to break beds

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Walter looked Jesse up and down as if he were the snack in the world.

"Jesse.." He started, pressing his hands against Jesse's chest and pushing him to the wall.

"Y..Yes Mista White?" Jesse replied hesitantly. His breathing sped up the closer Walter got to his face.

Walter licked his lips before continuing "I've been thinking about you, Pinkman." Jesse ran his tongue over his teeth as he nodded. "Y-Yeah..So have I.."

"Yeah?" The elderly man smirked, brushing his lips against Jesse's exposed neck. He hummed before slipping his hand under Jesse's shirt. "Lets cook."

Jesse watched as Walter threw the cooking equipment off of the table in favor of Jesse's body.

"Ngh! Mista White~!" He moaned, latching onto Walter's shoulders as he curled his legs around his hips. "What do you want, Pinkman?" He asked, squeezing Jesse's waist a bit.

"I want you, Mista White. My body yearns for you.." His gaze trailed down to Walter's now moisturized lips.

"Well, Jesse..It's time to break bad."

Walter White x Jesse Pinkman || Jesse! We need to fuck!Where stories live. Discover now