I Do

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Today was the day of their wedding.

Jesse had looked absolutely stunning in his wedding dress. It was just a hand-me-down from his mother, but he obviously wore it better.

Walter's face went a bright red the moment he saw Jesse walking toward the altar, his father walking beside him. There was a veil covering Jesse's face, much to Walt's dismay. But even then, he could tell Jesse looked beautiful under it.

"Jesse..." Walt whispered as a giant smile spread across his face. Jesse finally made his way onto the altar, standing infront of him. Walter couldn't stop himself from smiling even harder. "You look beautiful." He said. Jesse looked Walt up and down, "You don't look too bad yourself." He muttered with a wide grin.

Walter looked around to glance at the crowd. It was mostly family members, but there were a ton of friends there. Then, someone caught his eye.

There he was.

Mike Ehrmantraut was sitting down in a back row seat staring at them- not with a smile or frown, but just staring. But he wasn't there to spite them, no, but just there to observe. But it wasn't just Mike. He could see Gustavo Fring sitting next to him, the same bandages wrapped around the side of his face. He still wondered how he was still alive after having half his face blown off.

He began wondering if he had ever given Gus or Mike an invite to the wedding. He was definitely gonna ask Jesse about it after the wedding. But now wasn't the time to focus on those two; Walt decided to turn back around and focus on the beautiful man infront of him.

About 10 minutes passed, maybe more. Until the priest finally said, "Walter, do you take Jesse Pinkman to be your wedded husband?" Walter chuckled, and nodded, "I do." The priest moved to Jesse. "Jesse, do you take Walter White to be your wedded husband?" Jesse sniffed before nodding quickly, "Yes..I do!"

Now, it was the moment Walt had been waiting for. The ring exchange. He'd bought the most beautiful and expensive ring he could find to give to Jesse. By the expression on his face, he could tell Jesse liked it as much as he did. "Mista White..." Jesse muttered as Walt slipped the ring on his finger. "You don't have to call me Mr. White, Jesse." He reminded him. "Y-Yes, Mista W...Walt."

"You may kiss the groom."

Jesse lifted the veil off his face himself and suddenly lunged at Walt, their lips mashing together immediately. The crowd began cheering as Jesse and Walt toppled over, sloppily making out infront of everyone like their life depended on it.

"God, I love you so much, Walt." Jesse pulled away from the kiss and leaned back to sit on Walt's waist. "I love you too, Jesse." He said, sitting up to pull Jesse into a loving embrace.

"Let's get outta here."

Walter White x Jesse Pinkman || Jesse! We need to fuck!Where stories live. Discover now