Apology Man

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Jesse huddled in the corner of his bedroom, rocking back and forth as tears came pouring from his eyes like miniature waterfalls. Sniffles and sobs filled the room as time passed.

There was a gentle knock on his front door that startled him. He hastily wiped the tears from his face and stood, looking in the mirror to check his appearance. His face was flushed slightly red and his hair was messy(as always) and there were dried tears beneath his eyes.

He wiped them off with a wet towel and hurried to answer the door.

"Jesse? Jesse, open the door." Walter continued knocking on the door impatiently. He hesitated for a moment before swinging open the door, stepping to the side to let Walter in.

"J..Jesse..I'm sorry." Walter sighed, turning to face Jesse. "I don't wanna hear it. Please..just go get your stuff and get outta here." Jesse shook his head and motioned to the rest of the house.

"No, just hear me out, just this once. Please?" He put his hands on Jesse's shoulders and shook him slightly. "Get your hands off me!" He yelled, pushing Walt away.


"Please! I just want you and your shit out of here! Just LEAVE ALREADY!"

They both stood in silence as tears started pouring out of Jesse's eyes once again. He dropped to the floor, his back against the wall.

Walter watched as he sobbed helplessly— his body trembling with every cry he let out. "Pinkman.."

"Please, please, please...just leave..please." He mumbled.

Walt sighed and sat down next to Jesse, wrapping his arms around him and pulling him close. They stayed like that for about 20 minutes before Jesse seemed to have finally calmed down.

"Jesse, I just wanna tell you how sorry I am. I was drunk. I didn't know what I was doing. Won't you please forgive me? I won't do this ever again, I promise. I never wanted to hurt you like this. I never wanna see you like this again, Jesse. Forgive me." He muttered.

"...Promise.." Jesse mumbled against his shirt, "....promise you won't do it again..? Promise.....?" It was a childish question, but Walter felt really guilty.

"I promise. I love you, Jesse. Remember that." He pressed a kiss against Jesse's forehead, rubbing his back gently.


"I love you too, Mista White."

Walter White x Jesse Pinkman || Jesse! We need to fuck!Where stories live. Discover now