The Birth of Baby Blue

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Jesse wrapped his arms around his now bulbous stomach as he groaned in pain.

Walter rushed over to him, sitting down beside him on the couch. "What's wrong, Jesse?" Walter asked, rubbing his hand along Jesse's stomach.

"N-Nothing..she's just kicking a lot. Real painful, yo." Jesse gave Walter a small smile.

Walt hummed before wrapping an arm around Jesse's waist, cradling him in his arms.

"I'm worried I won't be a good enough father." Jesse said suddenly. Walter gave him a confused look, opening his mouth to speak when Jesse continued. "I mean— I'm a former drug addict and dealer. I've killed people in the past. I'm a criminal."

"Don't worry about that. You've forgotten I've committed many crimes in the past as well. You'll be a good father, I promise." Walter reassured, tipping Jesse's chin up to press a gentle kiss against his lips.

Jesse sighed, laying his head on Walter's shoulder as they both sat in comfortable silence.

Suddenly, a sharp pain struck through Jesse's abdomen as he grunted. Walter shot up, pressing his hand on his stomach. "What's wrong? Is it the baby again?"

Jesse nodded, gritting his teeth together. "Ah— Shit! Oh fuck..W-WALT!" He grasped Walter's hand tightly, his breathing speeding up.

"Oh, baby what's wrong!? Just tell me so I ca—" "I-I'M GOING INTO LABOR, YO! I FEEL HER—SHE'S COMING—OH GOD!" Jesse screamed, squirming as he ran a hand over his stomach.

"IT HURTS MISTA WHITE!" Jesse cried out as Walter stared in shock. "Ok, uhm, ok! We're going to the hospital, don't worry!" Walter said, scooping Jesse up into his arms before grabbing the car keys and leaving.

 "Ok, uhm, ok! We're going to the hospital, don't worry!" Walter said, scooping Jesse up into his arms before grabbing the car keys and leaving

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Jesse awoke to a bright light above his face. He winced and shut his eyes tight, shifting in what seemed to be a bed.

"Mm....Mista White..?" He murmured. "Yes, Jesse?" Walter's voice soothed him.

Jesse opened his eyes again, looking around the room. He was in the hospital. In a hospital a hospital bed...with Walter right beside him....with a small baby in his arms.

"Oh shit! I-I must've passed out—I didn't get to name her! What happened!?" Jesse asked frantically. "Don't worry, Pinkman. I already named her." "Was it one of my names!? Please tell me you took one of mine into consideration or something, yo."

Walter nodded, a soft smile Jesse yearned to see more of spreading across his face. "Yes. I named her Blue. It's a very silly name, though." "Who's last name did she take? WHO'S LAST NAME DID SHE TAKE!?"

"Calm down! Her name's Blue Pinkman. Also one of your names.." Walter sighed. "FUCK YEAH!" Jesse cheered.

"You're very immature, Jesse."

Walter White x Jesse Pinkman || Jesse! We need to fuck!Where stories live. Discover now