Kid Named Cheater

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"Jesse..." Walter said. Jesse stood in the doorway of Mike's house, watching as he and Walter made out.

"I..can't believe you.." He whimpered, covering his mouth to prevent a sob from coming out. "I-Its not what it looks like, Jesse! Please, just hear me out.." Walt stood, stepping toward Jesse.

"Waltuh, sit back down." Mike said. "It's what it looks like. There's no point in lying, Walt."

Walter looked back at Mike, then back at his distressed partner. "Jesse..."

"I don't wanna hear it. When you decide to come back to my place, I want you to get your shit and leave."  Jesse said, wiping away tears. "I can't believe you would do something like this. I thought.." He sobbed, hugging himself "I thought you loved me!"

Walter felt himself growing guilty. To see Jesse, his partner, his friend, his lover, in such a state simply because of him was terrible. "Jesse. Please. I' sorry. I had a couple drinks and then..Mike just came up to me..we hit it off...I wasn't in the right mindset. Please just believe me..We have a daughter!" He pleaded desperately. It didn't look like Jesse was gonna change his mind anytime. He shook his head, blinking back more tears.

"You heard me, Walt."

Hearing Jesse say his name was, hurtful, to say the least. He'd only used it atleast twice in the past.

"You never told me you had a child with this guy, Waltuh." Mike said. "Cheating is pretty bad, Walt. Especially w—"

"You," Jesse turned toward Mike, pointing a finger at him. "you shut your goddamn mouth."

"Hey now!" Walter yelled, stepping in-between the two. "Mike, stay out of this." He mumbled, facing Jesse. "Jesse, please..can't we just talk about this?"

Jesse took a deep breath, scrubbing a hand over his face. "No. No, I don't think we can. There's nothing to talk about, Mista White. I caught you making out with this...this fucking— lumpy pile of skin you call Mike Ehrmantraut." He took a few steps forward until he was face-to-face with Walter. "Like I said, I want you to get your shit from my place, and I want you gone, you hear me? We are over! And you're not seeing your daughter ever again."

Walter's heart dropped, everything Jesse said finally sinking in. "No, no, NO! JESSE! Listen to me! I wasn't in the right mind when I did this, please just hear me out! Please..I'm nothing without you, Jesse. You're my everything. You're all I have."

Jesse could feel even more tears running down his cheeks as he sighed and looked down. He shook his head, looking back up at Walter.

"I wish I could believe that, Mista White. But I'm not all you have, am I? You could just stay with Mikey here. Hell, you could even go back to Skyler. I don't...I don't wanna be here anymore. I'm leaving." He said before turning around and walking to the door. He looked over his shoulder, tears still trickling from his eyes. "I'll let you say your final goodbyes to Blue, maybe. But that's it. I'm sorry, Walt."

The room filled with an uncomfortable silence as the door shut.

Walter White x Jesse Pinkman || Jesse! We need to fuck!Where stories live. Discover now