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Jesse Pinkman and Walter White sat across from eachother in their booth at Los Pollos Hermanos. Jesse suggested they visit the place after their hot gay sex, even though they had just eaten pancakes a few hours ago.

"I don't understand how you're still so thin." Walter had said, lifting one of Jesse's hands and examining it as they laid in bed tangled in sheets. "I guess I'm just cool like that, yo." Jesse responded, snuggling closer to Waltuh.

"Hello," a familiar voice said. Jesse and Walter immediately looked to find Gustavo Fring himself. Though half his face had been bandaged, he still had an enormous grin like any other day.

"GUS!?" They yelled in unison. They exchanged a look and stared at Gus again.

"How in the world are you still alive..?" Walter asked. Gus' smile faltered a bit but he straightened his tie and clasped his hands behind his back. "Nevermind that. What are you two doing here?" Gus asked, taking a seat beside Jesse.

"Mind your business, yo. We're just eating out." Jesse gave Walter a quick glance before focusing back on Gus. Gus' smile dropped as he folded his hands infront of him.

"This is my restaurant. I think I deserve to know what goes on inside it—thank you very much, Pinkman." He said, staring Jesse down. Walter opened his mouth to speak, but closed it, thinking for a minute.

"Basically what Jesse said, Mr. Fring. We just got hungry. He wanted to come here." He offered a small smile. The tension in the room eased as Gus' wide smile came back.

"Well, I hope you gentlemen enjoy your meal. Have a good day."

Gus stood and walked off, not even sparing the two men a glance.

Jesse and Walter turned toward each other again before bursting into giggles.

Walter White x Jesse Pinkman || Jesse! We need to fuck!Where stories live. Discover now