Baking Bad

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Jesse awoke from a 15min nap he didn't remember taking. The sweet scent of pancakes was thick in the air.

He could hear Walter's quiet shuffling through the kitchen along with the loud sizzling of pancake batter.

Jesse slowly crawled off the bed before stretching and padding toward the kitchen.

"Sup, Mista White." Jesse murmured, leaning against the wall of the kitchen as he watched Walter slave over the stove. Walter glanced at him for a moment, the grin on his face widening.

"Hello, Pinkman. I'm almost done with breakfast. You can take a seat at the table and wait.." his voice trailed off as he watched Jesse plop his big round fat juicy ass on the counter dangerously close to the stove. "...or that."

Jesse smiled, watching as Walter dropped the fresh pancakes into a plate just to start pouring more batter into the pan.

"Hey, old man," he started swinging his legs back and forth as he spoke "think you can flip a pancake in the air and catch it in the pan?"

"Of course not. That's only possible in cartoons, Jesse. You're in your 20s." Walt muttered. Jesse's wide grin slowly contorted into a disappointed frown. "You're no fun."

"I'm plenty fun!" The elder snapped, offended. Jesse smirked before taking a seat at the dining table, fidgeting with his hands. Walter looked back at him. "You alright, Jesse?"

"I'm good. Don't worry, Mista White." He nodded. "You sure? I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings or something. Like when I didn't go Go-Karting with you."

"...I'm not a softie, Mista White." Jesse scrubbed a hand over his face and leaned back in his chair.

Walter hummed and clicked his tongue, turning off the stove. He made his way to the table and sat across from Jesse. "When are you gonna start calling me 'Walter' or 'Walt' instead of 'Mister White'? We're not in the meth business anymore, so there's no need for these... formal names." He said.

Jesse stared at him for a moment before looking off to the side. "I don't know. I've gotten to used to say Mista White all the damn time. Walt or Walter just doesn't...feel right." He explained. "Would you prefer 'Daddy White'?"

"Oh, no! No, the whole daddy thing doesn't sit right with me. Reminds me far too much of my children."

"That was a joke. I don't like the daddy thing in relationships either, though. That word sounded weird coming out of my mouth, I bet." He smiled at Walter. "Trust me, you've said much weirder things than daddy. Especially in bed.." Walter grinned. "...Speaking of 'in bed', think you got enough energy?"

"Atleast wait till we eat, Grandpa Anus!" Jesse chuckled, getting up from his chair to plant a kiss on Walter's cheek before walking off to fix himself a plate of pancakes.

Walter White x Jesse Pinkman || Jesse! We need to fuck!Where stories live. Discover now