Night Terrors

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Jesse had went to sleep not even 5 minutes ago, but yet he still felt awake.

He was somewhere, not in bed, but somewhere else. It was dark and cold. He felt extremely light, as if he didn't even exist at the moment. He didn't feel like he existed. He couldn't even feel the surface he laid on. He couldn't feel.

"Mista White...?" He managed to get out. It souned shaky and hoarse. "Mista White..." He whimpered, shifting. His eyes finally opened to find himself in a familiar room. No, not a room. A box? A hole..?

A pit.

Panic settled in as he backed into the corner."No, no, no—NO!" He repeated. "Mista White!? WALT!?"

Jesse searched his surroundings frantically, his eyes darting around the room as if something would magically appear if he looked enough. "No...please..! I-I don't wanna be here," Tears burned at the corners of his eyes the longer he sat there, looking around like an idiot. "MISTA WHITE!"

"Jesse?" A voice echoed throughout the room. It was a familiar voice. It soothed him.

"Jesse?.." It called out again.


Jesse was awoken by Walter's loud voice. He looked around the room to see he was in his bedroom, his partner right beside him. He sat up instantly and turned toward Walter, who looked like he had just woken up as well.

"W..Walt..?" Jesse whispered. Walter nodded and sat up fully, wrapping an arm around Jesse's waist. "I've been calling your name nonstop! You keep on yelling 'no' in your sleep and all. It's scaring me."

"I..I had a bad dream." He mumbled, laying his head on Walt's shoulder and sighing before continuing, "I was in the pit again. I-It was super freaky, yo!"

Walter stared at him, a confused look on his face. "You..You don't know what the pit is do you?" Jesse asked. He nodded. "Okay, so, you know when you saved me from that Todd guy's place, right? I was kept hostage in this..this underground pit thing. It was scary. I.."

"..I was scared."

Walter allowed Jesse to cry quietly on his shoulder as they sat. "It's okay, Jesse. I have you now. Don't worry. You're not with him anymore. You don't have to be scared." He comforted, rubbing circles into Jesse's back.

Jesse sniffled a bit as he rubbed tears away with the back of his hand.

"...Thank you, Mista White."

Walter White x Jesse Pinkman || Jesse! We need to fuck!Where stories live. Discover now