Chapter Eight

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"So you have the audacity to make me wait but when it's him you open your legs?!" Hyunwoo asked but didn't wait for her to say anything as he slapped her hard.

The slap caused her to lose her balance and fall onto the dirty floor. Y/ got a feeling of deja vu as her mind went back to the room she was kept in at Hyunjin's house. It's was exactly the same as this one.

"P-please stop..." She begged but knew that it was pointless with him.

"You are a little whxre you know that?" He asked and bent down to her level before grabbing a fist full of her her. Y/N winched in pain as she was forced to look at him.

"I am going to give you everything that you deserve for cheating on your husband. Next time you will learn not to roll around in bed with other men." He said darkly before swiftly removing his belt and striking her hard with it.

"AHHH!" She screamed as the burning sensation settled on her skin.

"I'M PREGNANT PLEASE!" She yelled as loud as possible hoping it would stop his from his second strike and luckily for her it did as for a moment he froze in shock just looking at her.

"So not only did you cheat on me, you got pregnant too." He responded in a fuming voice.

"I-I didn't H-Hyunwoo... He... He r-aped me... please don't h-hurt me." She cried while he just looked at her.

"He raped you? You can't even own up to your mistakes huh?... You are going to get an abortion tomorrow or... maybe I should just beat that piece of sh¡t out of you myself... what do you think?" He asked as he wickedly grinned at her.

Y/N's eyes widen in shock before she started moving backwards while clutching onto her stomach as if it would protect her baby somehow.

"N-no... Hyunwoo... p-please don't do this..." She begged as her tears began rolling down her cheeks.

"IT'S MASTER!" He yelled while grinning.

"M-mas... m-master please don't k-kill my baby... p-please..." she pleaded which made him laugh loudly.

"You are so pathetic... You know I have always imagine you calling me this but I never thought it would be in such a situation. It's even better then my fantasies." He chuckled moving a step forward which made her scoot back until she hit a wall.

"Tell me what would I gain in letting you keep that thing? Brats are nuisances especially if the are not mine." He asked before kneeling infront of her.

"A-anything... I will do a-anything to have my b-baby..." she whispered making him gron omce again.

She knew she was signing her death sentence but she could not imagine herself killing a soul especially one that was part of her no matter how it came to be.

"Mmh anything huh? Sounds very tempting... Let me think about it." He said, loving the game that he was playing with her.

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