Chapter Twelve

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"Why do I have to go? Why can't someone else go? Chan you know how much I hate auctions." Hyunjin whined before looking at the others who just shrugged him off.

"Everyone else is busy with their solo missions Hyunjin and I need you for this tonight. Also why are you so worried when you know I will also be coming along." Bang Chan responded with a little eye roll.

"I just don't like auctions man. They are so long and boring. I'm already dying of boredom just thinking about it." He complained making the others snicker.

"Well suck it up. You are the best for this. Now go get ready because we have to leave in an hour." The boss said before walking out of the kitchen.


"Let the auction begin!" The man announced before the first item was brought out onto the stage.

I was not in the mood for this but I guess I had to be here. Chan would have been mad at me if I put up even more of a fight. He wanted some fancy jewel which I didn't understand why.


The end was nearing and I couldn't have been more glad. Throughout the whole thing I felt like I was dying of boredom and was worse was that Chan couldn't even get what he wanted so this whole thing was just pointless and a waste of time.

"Now ladies and gentlemen is when we show the most priced items of the entire night. This item in particular was brought here by our very own beloved Mr Choi Hyunwoo. So you know how special it has to be. Boys please bring them out." The man announced catching my attention.

When the men walked back on stage I could not believe my eyes. I felt my heart sink and my eyes widen in shock. I was now faced with the woman I had been in search of for years now.

The men dragged her out along with a little boy and a little girl in her arms. I could see the fear radiating off her face and the little boy's as well. Even though she looked scared to death you could see how she shielded the little boy with her body and held the baby girl tightly.

The bidding started and all I knew was that I had to get the three of them. This was the reason I had to come here tonight. To get them out of this hell that they did not deserve to be in.

The prices began rising like crazy and I began getting anxious that I would not get them.

"One hundred million dollars!" I yelled gaining the attention of every single soul that was in that room. They all looked at me in shock.

The auctioneer asked for more offers but no one was willing to spend so much money on them which was a good thing for me.

"SOLD! TO MR HWANG HYUNJIN OF STRAYKIDS!" He yelled and I didn't wait a second more to go get them.

I heard Chan yell for me but I just ignored him as I just had one goal in mind. I made my way to the room I knew they would be held in.


"Please don't hurt him. He is just a baby." Was the first thing I heard when I stepped into the room.

I saw one of my men trying to hold the little boy but Y/N would not let him anywhere near the children.

"You can leave. I will take it from here." I told him and he immediately left after sending me quick bow.

"Y/N." I called out for her and tried taking a step toward them but she immediately moved back and held the baby in her arms tightly.

"Please don't h-hurt him. He didn't d-do anything wrong. H-hurt m-me instead, please just d-don't touch m-my babies." She stuttered and I could hear the genuine fear in her voice making me feel even more guilty.

"YN no one is going to hurt you. Please calm down." I whispered and tried to touch her but this only increased her fear.

"NO! No. Please don't... come near us. P-please don't hurt h-him. H-he didn't do anything wrong. I-I'm the one to blame not them. Hurt me i-instead... p-please." she said in a trance like state.

"Y/N please listen. I swear no one is going to hurt you or y-your children. I just want to help you." I said softly and took a step forward which made her hide the boy even more.

I caught a quick glimpse of him and I could see tears rolling down his cheeks. It broke my heart to see him crying. No child should have to go through what he has experienced.

 I looked back at Y/N and saw how much her state her worsened within a couple of seconds. Tears and sweat covering almost her whole face.

"Please just don't hurt them..." She begged and before I knew it her body was falling.

I moved as fast as my body could carry me and caught both her and the baby which startled the little boy and he began crying even more. His crying made the baby girl wake up from her slumber and start crying as well.

"M-mommy." He cried out not knowing what to do.

I could see that he wanted to get close to her but he was scared of me.

"It's okay baby. I won't hurt you or mommy or sister. Come here." I called him softly as I gently rocked the little baby back and forth but he just shook his head as the tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Please baby, we need to get mommy some help and then she will be okay and you and your baby sister will be with her. Just come with me." This time he hesitantly nodded and came to me and I gave him a quick side hug before picking his mother up even if it was difficult with the baby still in my arms.

I walked out the room making sure that the little boy was close to me. Outside I found some of my men and gave the little girl to one of them to hold as they escorted us out of the building. 

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