Chapter One

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"Are you really sure you want to do this?" The blonde asked his friend as they got into their positions.

For a whole year he had been planning for this moment and now that it was here there was no way in hell that he was going to back out.

"Are you really asking me this? She made my life a living hell and now it's time to do the same. She is never going to see the light of day again and I will make sure of that. Now please stop talking because I want all my concentration on this." The boy responded coldly to his friend as he turned to now focus on his mission.

"I really hope you don't regret this." The blonde whispered to himself as he followed his friend inside.

He could not believe how much his friend had changed. He was so cold and merciless but who could blame him when it was that stupid girl's fault for causing all this.

"Boys you ready?" He asked and everyone answered in confirmation.

Today was one of the most important days of his life and he was going to make sure everything went down perfectly. There was no room for error or it would cost him and his men their lives.


She walked into the store with the man she called her husband. But to her he was the furthest thing from being a husband and she hated him with a passion.

"Mr and Mrs Choi, how may I be of help today?" The sales clerk asked immediately as she did not want to get on Mr Choi's bad side.

"Get her a dress that is elegant and can show off her natural beauty. I want everyone to drop dead when they see my beautiful wife." He answered and kissed his wife's lips which made her cringe.

"Ma'am if you will please follow me then." The clerk responded and walked away.

"You do anything stupid and you are dead." He whispered in her ear before she walked away.

She only nodded with her head down as she followed the clerk to the dresses.

"Ma'am I've already found some dresses that will suit you quite well. They are in the dressing room and you can go try them on." The lady said to her and she could only nod again without uttering any words.

Well she was used to it. This was her life now and she could only speak when her husband gave her the permission to do so.

When she got to the dressing room her legs gave out and she fell onto the floor with a soft thud not wanting anyone to hear her.  There were only a few moments in her life when she could be alone and she used those moments to cry her heart out.

But at that moment she could not cry because he would see that she had cried and she would be in a lot of trouble.

"Ma'am do you need some help in there?" The lady asked from outside the dressing room.

"No!" She squeaked quietly and stood up in a rush.

She took off her clothes and put on the first one that she saw. When she was done she looked at herself in the mirror. The image infront of her made her want to puke.

How much could a person hate themselves?

She sighed before walking out and modelled the dress infront of her husband who was sitting on the waiting couch and sipping on the expensive champagne that the store had to offer.

"You look beautiful my love but this dress does not make you look like the star of the room. Go try on another one." He said and she could only nod.

As she was about to walk away he stopped her.

"Baby..." He pouted indicating what he wanted.

It was a gesture that made the ladies in the store melt but to her it only made her insides churn. She sighed quietly before walking up to him and placing a gentle kiss on his lips.

She then walked back toward the dressing room and repeated the process but no dress seemed to satisfy her husband's taste.

"Ma'am I've got another dress her for you and I am sure your husband is going to love this one." The clerk said before handing her another dress.

She mumbled a small thank you and closed the door. She was lucky that the dressing room was far from where her husband was sitting otherwise he would have heard her talking without permission.

She looked at the dress and even she had to admit that it was pretty gorgeous. She slipped the dress on and could not believe that she actually looked good in something.

She blinked her eyes to make sure she was not dreaming and when she opened her eyes she was still there in the beautiful dress but she did also notice that her ear ring was missing. She touched her hair hoping it was stuck in there but that was not in there.

She looked down and noticed that it was actually on the floor. She then bent down to pick up her ear ring and when she stood up again she saw something she could not believe.

She felt like her eyes were lying to her but then again the man did not disappear when she blinked her eyes multiple times.

"Hyunjin..." The name glowed out of her lips hesitantly which only made the man smirk in pleasure.

"Y/N, long time no see..."

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