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~ 2 months later ~


Me - Shit that was great baby

Von - Yeah whatever bro

Me - Why you acting like you didn't like it

Von - Cause that ain't my female pussy to be liking

Me - Fuck you Von

Von - You just did by bro

Von left and tears streamed down my face. When I originally agreed to be his trap female I thought we would be together but he just threw me to the side bro like wtf why me. I been down for him all those times he been locked up and everything I was there. Shit like this just makes me be really ready to be done with everything the game and all nothing hurts more than a woman scorned.


I was cooking dinner for my mom, dad, and Von then suddenly my doorbell rang. I ran and answered the door and a bouquet of flowers were covering the holding them. The person walked in and of course it was Von.

Me - Good your here dinner is almost done and you can set the table

Von - Y'all boujee asses man ight

I giggled and handed Von all the plates and silverware for the four of us. I finished up the homemade mashed potatoes and gravy and set the table with the meatloaf, mash potatoes, gravy, and broccoli and cheese. My parents have a spare key so they walked in and gave me a hug and kiss and Von greeted them and we all sat down for dinner.

Mom - So Von how has your music been going

Von - Great and my club has been getting more business than ever so I am happy about that

Dad - That's great to hear son I'm glad things have been going well

Me - Yeah everything been going great for both of us and things couldn't be better I'm happy Von made it to dinner so I can tell all of y'all in person

Dad - I'm a grandfather

Me - No I'm opening a new store in California

Dad - That is great

Von - I'm proud of you Ma

Mom - Wonderful baby girl

We sat and ate then cleaned up while Von and my dad went in the living room to have a man to man conversation I guess.


Me - So everything been good with the set

Big T - Yeah King things been straight has Ren been suspicious

Me - Nope not about a thing

Big T - One problem we do have is Kentrell

Me - What about bro

Big T - He been tryna get us to beef wit them but shit ain't working for him

Me - Dude ass betta chill out no bullshit

Serenity - Who better chill out

Me - My new manager I just hired at my club he been trying to act like he works with me instead of for me you know how that is

She nodded then we all sat and talked then her parents went home. I turned towards Serenity and she had a huge smile on her face because I was ready to have her meet my son and she was overly excited.

Me - Wednesday okay Wednesday you will meet him stop looking at me like that

Serenity - Like what I'm just nervous and excited because I have a whole thing planned out for us

Me - Oh yeah like what shawty

Serenity - Of course we are going to go to Skyzone then I am taking him out to eat at Chili's and then we gonna have dessert there and of course to end the night we watching Movies and I am decorating the living room and kitchen to look like the movie theater

Me - Don't tell me he finna have little movie tickets

Serenity - Duh stop play with me nigga

I rolled my eyes and chuckled her lil ass too hyped but I love it. Most other women I introduced to my son only did it for clout or so we could be together but Ren she different my son is picky about the women I involve myself with so I have a feeling that he is going to love her.

|| Serenity's Dream ||

A random man approached Serenity and let off two shots. She grabbed her chest and fell next to Von holding his hand. She had no clue what he got her involved in but she knew that if she died with him it would be because of someone close to her. Von turned to Serenity and said, " Baby girl we gonna be good okay don't go into the light." Serenity nodded but her body began to slowly fade her vision in and out leaving her there fighting for a way to survive....

|| Dream Over ||

I woke up covered in sweat and I began to cry. Von shot up as soon as I started bawling then he pulled me close allowing me to finish my cries before I could explain what happened.

Me - They killed us bae

Von - Who

Me - Some guys in my dream they shot us it felt so real I could barely breathe

Von - Baby we good I promise

I laid back into Von arms and laid awake all the rest of the night. That dream wasn't normal it felt too real like a vision. I began to think about my lifestyle and Von's he doesn't seem like the drug dealing type and I been to his club before and I go to the studio with him all the time this just isn't adding up to me. By the time I actually closed my eyes the sun was coming up and Von got up to do a interview with Durk.


Durk came and got me for a interview and while we drove I started explain to him what happened last night with Serenity dream.

Durk - That's a sign yo ass finna get caught up in some mess

Me - Man I don't fuckin know folks I just need fa her to be safe

Durk - Bro I gotta tell you sum

Me - Wassup bro

Durk - You can't tell Serenity but umm India pregnant

Me - Bro you got India pregnant

Durk - Yeah

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