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I helped Demetrius get Serenity to the couch and we fanned her. I looked at Meech and he smiled and shook Serenity lightly then she began to twist and turn.

Me - Where the hell did you go from 4 fucking years ago Dee

Demetrius - Y'all know my dad locked up I went to start filming BMF I didn't think I was coming back but once I heard on the Shade Room that Ren was engaged I took the first flight out here called Pops and came here

Serenity - M-Meech is that really you

Demetrius - Yes baby it's me

Serenity- I'm engaged hun

Demetrius - I know to Von ass

Serenity - How the hell you know Von

Demetrius - Baby I been knew bro ass streets and fame just never knew what Pops told me when I called

Serenity - Yeah do you wanna talk in private

Demetrius - Yes we can

Kayla - Umm no the fuck y'all can't

Serenity - Kayla it's not even like that he still a family friend no matter our past so chill out

Taesha - If her daddy stayed in contact with him obviously they still all cool baby girl it's okay

Serenity - Exactly and Meechie let's talk in the back


We walked to the back and I looked Meech up and down. I felt all my emotions take over anger, happiness, sad, and confusion. The first thing I could do was smack his light skinned ass🙄.

Me - I know you did not expect me to fuckin let shit slide Meech literally you were my best friend before anything we let one slip up happen and you were off why would you leave me like that I'm kinda happy because Von makes me extremely happy but at the end of the day we were friends Nigga

Demetrius - Damn baby that smack packed some heat didn't it but to answer your question you knew my pops was locked up Ren and I told you his story was going to be told you can't be upset with that

Me - Meech I'm not upset about that I am upset with the fact that when we finally were ready for things you left me I understand why don't get me wrong I do but we were friends for a long time Meechie

- Flashback -

I walked into the house and Meech was sitting there with my dad and mom this was after school of course. I smiled at him and my parents got up and left for work so they allow Meech to stay with me since we were only friends.

Demetrius - Turn a movie on Ren

Me - Okay pop the popcorn

Demetrius - Ight bet

We started the movie and watched it. Demetrius scooted closer towards me and I leaned underneath his arm. I rested my head on his shoulder and smiled.

Demetrius - Ren

Me - Yes

Demetrius - You think we can move this friendship along to something more

Me - What do you mean

Demetrius - I mean we been best friends since we started high school and now we damn near done do you think we can be something special

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