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Me - How the fuck you figure that bullshit

Durk - Cause y'all deal ain't been going through and she wanted you you left her now boom she fucking your over

Me - She wouldn't do that my nigga I got the bitch whipped

Durk - Yeah ight

Me and bro finished chopping it up and then I drove back to the house and Renity was cooking in her bra and panties.

4 months later


I was at India gender reveal and of course I decorated and organized everything. I finished everything up then I went inside and got in the show and did my hygiene thing. When I got out I got dressed and did my hair.

Once I was done everyone was showing up and everything got started

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Once I was done everyone was showing up and everything got started. They did the reveal and of course Durk big head ass went live.

India - Pookie thank you so much for doing this

Me - Girl you my bestie why wouldn't I set this up for you and that's my godbaby too I'm finna spoil her lil ass

Durk - So when are you giving me a niece or nephew

Me - Boy Von been wanting to get me pregnant for the longest

Von - And I am witcho fine ass

Me - Mmhm yeah okay we gone see

We all danced and played games until the reveal was over. Von drove me home and we walked in the house. I been really wanting to ask Von for a long time if he wants to move in to a house together and I think now with my baby fever and everything I should ask.

Me - Baby I gotta question

Von - What is it beautiful

Von pulled me close as he sat on the bed and he gave me a peck on the lips. I straddled his waist and he smiled.

Me - Let's find a house together

Von - Are you serious

Me - Yes baby like yeah this is a two bedroom but if you plan on starting a family with me we need more space not trying to say you do it on your own we go half

Von - I will tell you what let's start with me moving in here with you first then we start house search

Me - You mean it

Von - Hell yeah

I leaped around his neck and covered him in kisses I am so happy it's not even funny. He kissed my neck and lips then grabbed my waist. I smirked and I'm pretty sure y'all know what happened next.

The Next Morning

I woke up at 12AM and Von was gone I looked at my phone and he texted me telling me that he would be back and that it was an emergency at the club. I got out the bed ran a warm bath and soaked to relax.


I walked into the trap and Asian was there as usual. She walked up to me and gave me everything I needed but then she started asking me questions.

Asian - What's going on with T when does his next shipment come in

Me - Why you needa be worried about it

Asian - I'm curious cause I need to know what is going on

Me - That didn't even make sense bro bye

I walked out and called Durk and told him to meet me at T house. We all met up and Ren mama answered the door and walked us all in.

Me - Durk might be on to something

Big T - What you mean Von

Durk - He tell you and you gonna choke his little ass out

Big T - You honesty think I give a fuck and my whole livelihood is at stake y'all are too think straight Nigga

Me - Damn T I was fuckin on Asian to keep her silent with Serenity about my hustle and once things got deeper for me and Ren I just stopped them today she started questioning me about the shipment and she never did that shit before

Big T - I can't even be mad at you because I did the same thing before I knew Angel was down with the street life and how I move but I'm telling you it's getting us compromised so I know how this finna go cause I did it

Big T Flashback

I walked in the house and did what I always do and checked on Ren as she slept. Once I got done I hopped in the shower and once I got out I heard moaning in the distance. I walked into me and Angel's room and she was watching a tape of me and my trap bitch Mariana fucking

Mariana (In the distance) - Fuck T fuck harder

Angel eyes swelled with tears as she turned and faced me. I stood there mouth open wide confused on my next move.

Angel - H-How could you Tyrell

Me - Angel baby I can explain okay

Angel - Explain you can explain why you are fucking another bitch during the hours you say your working there is no explaining you can't have Kate and Edith too Tyrell I'm done we just had a baby why the help did you do this to me

Me - Baby will you please just listen to me okay I was at work i-it's my job choice I know your not going to tolerate but I have no choice

Angel - I love you Tyrell anything you do you know I will just tell you to make sure to keep us safe and happy I don't care what job choice it is but you chose to break me in the end

Angel packed her clothes and walked out the house with Serenity and after that I didn't see her for months until I chose to tell her what I did and how I moved.

Flashback Over

Big T - You need to fix this shit or pop her ass either way you lose if you don't do either one

Me - You said keep this shit out of her life T

Big T - I guess you don't have a choice but to bring her in then or leave her alone

I sighed and put my hands in my head bro I don't want to lose Serenity at all. I looked up at Tee and he put his hand on my shoulder.

Big T - You like a son to me I would never steer you wrong so when you decide to tell her call me so I can mediate she is my daughter she will listen to me I promise.

Me - Thanks T

Big T - Call me Pops

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