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2 months later

I woke up and seen that it was 12 in the afternoon so I got up, did my hygiene thing, and got dressed^^. I went downstairs and seen the staff cooking Thanksgiving dinner so that is giving me time to go get this sexy ass man up.

Me - Dayvon get yo ass up

Von - Mmmhm no

Me - Yessir everyone finna start coming and Mici said she got something she wanna talk to us about

Von - Mmhmct man okay your lucky I love yo bean head ass I would stay asleep damn bro move

He lightly pushed me and I rolled my eyes. He pulled me into the bathroom with him and I giggled because this boy was ass naked all ready.

Me - What baby

Von - I just wanna you know have both of us in the shower

Me - No you don't you just wanna look at my tattoos lil boy

Von - Who lil

Me - *Looks down* Definitely not you

Von - You tryna handle this mfka right quick

Me - mmmhm tempting but I just got out the shower

Von - Suck this mfka stop playing

I mean since he put it like that I took his soul real quick. Then he took his fine ass in the shower and I brushed my teeth cause y'all know I'm not finna talk to our family with dick breath😑. I walked downstairs and said hey to everyone who started coming then eventually everyone was there me, Von, Lena, Herbo, Ari, Jayda, Dom, Doodie, India, Durk, my Godbaby of course, Kema, DayVon Jr., Mici, True, my dad, my mom, T. Roy, Taesha, Kayla, and Grandbaby of course. We well me, I planned the whole get together Karaoke, movies, the guys staying in Von man cave to watch the game, charades, and dancing. We all sat in man cave and turned on music while I made us some drinks and got the kids soda.

Me - Here y'all go

E/B - Thanks Ren

Me - Sooooooo what is going on with everyone

India - Girl you and I work together so you already know but I got my cosmetic line in the works can y'all be my models

Me - Of course pooh

Durk - I'm finna drop a new album

Von - we gotta finish that one track tho

Dad - Clubs been good

Mama - Hospital been good

Herbo - Shit I'm on what Durk on

Mici - I guess now is as good as ever to tell y'all

Me - What is it

Mici - I'm moving to Texas soon

Me - Woah what

Von - What the fuck you just say

Kema - Girl no the kids gonna wanna see each other

Taesha - Hey hey now y'all chill Mici why

Mici - I just wanna go discover different options out there and expand my brand

Von - Do that shit here you not finna take my daughter away from me

Mici - It's not like you can't come get her

Von - Bitch coming to get her and seeing her all the time is two different things stop fuckin playing

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