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3 years Later
Serenity POV

It's been three years and everything has been amazing. My dad let Dayvon take over the business and I have been working on my modeling and acting as well as my business. The girls are about to turn four years old and I am so happy they are exactly like me and I love it so so much. Dayvon won his custody battle for Tur so of course we got us the family home he promised me. Three bedrooms and two and a half bathrooms plus a basement when Dayvon and I decorated it for guests when we chillin along with a pool and a beautiful patio. Oh yeah I had a baby boy his name is Daquan Martese Bennett he is one years old and his big sisters love him so everything has been amazing I love it genuinely. Right now I am cooking while Von helps the girls with their homework and of course he holding Daquan cause he always wanna have his son with him I swear kids are his weakness. Today is his birthday too so I planned a little surprise party to keep a smile on his face.

Me - Baby I think we should go outside today it's your birthday we finna have fun come on please

Dayvon - I wanted to spend my birthday with my wife and kids baby girl it's coo I promise

Me - Mmhm I guess but I been thinking every since all that trauma happened with Kentrell when he popped up I want to write a tell all book about me and him you know to break the silence behind everything

Dayvon - Yeah that's a good idea mamas but what about your movie premiere for Secret Society two and the filming for Secret Society three

Me - When I am off I can write the book

Dayvon - What you gonna call it

Me - Breaking Silence: Serenity Bennett's Story

Dayvon - I love it

Me - Thank you

I leaned over and planted a kiss on his lips and then I took the food out of the oven and made plates that consisted of baked chicken, broccoli and cheese, and seasoned potatoes. Sekani set the table since she finished her homework first and then the door got knocked on. I walked to the front door opening it seeing Durk, India, Lena, Booka, Ari, Herbo, Dom, Jayda, Willow, Skyler, Loyal, Dahlia, and Melly with his girlfriend. They brought the cake and Durk got my surprise coming later on tonight because this nigga been wanting it for the longest. We all walked into the dinning room and they yelled Surprise and Von shook up his friends while he smiled and everyone sat down and fixed them some plates.

Dayvon - Baby I told you I ain't want a party

Me - No you said you didn't want to go outside so I brought our family to us come on baby be happy plus I got you a gift anyways

Dayvon - That's funny cause I got you and the kids something too

Me - What is that

Dayvon - Y'all come to the garage

We all got up and walked to the garage and Von had us close our eyes. He handed me Daquan and I held him with one arm on my hip and Von wanted us to stand still. I felt something walk towards my legs and jumped and once I opened my eyes I seen a cute little white Pitbull puppy with blue eyes. I jumped slightly as I tapped the girls and they screamed with joy.

True & The Twins - Daddy thank you

Me - Baby he is so cute

Von - I know I figure y'all would love him so of course I got him for y'all

Me - So girls what we naming him

True - I am thinking Diamond

Me - After the show

Sekani - I like Iceland

Me - They are both cute fats can't chose a name we all know that so Sevyn your turn you break the tie

Sevyn - how about Blue Diamond

Sekani - That is pretty mama

True - I like that one

Me - Well Blue Diamond it is

Von - Great now what we're you about to show me

Durk - Awe dats out front you actually cause a pretty good distraction from yo self

I playfully rolled my eyes as I handed India Dequan and we walked to the front of the house. Von didn't know that I had his mom Kayla and Sky setting up the blown up photos that Von thought he didn't have as a kid of him and his dad before he passed. One day I went to help his mama clean her basement out and we found all the old pictures so we decided to blow them up for him to have forever.

 One day I went to help his mama clean her basement out and we found all the old pictures so we decided to blow them up for him to have forever

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Von closed his eyes and then I pulled his hands down as I stepped back with his mom and she smiled at him as his face lit up with joy. I also went a little over board and got pictures of him and the kids along with myself and him blown up for the house.

Von - Baby how did y'all find this

Me - When I went to help mama clean out the basement I found em are you happy

Von - Extremely and you got our family bro I fucking love you I can put this in my Stu-

Me - In your studio I figured

Von - I love yo sexy ass bro

Me - I love yo fine ass just as much

Von and I smiled as I leaned in placing a kiss on his lips and then he gave me a hug. We sat outside as a family and watched the kids play with the dogs in the front yard as we sat around drinking and smoking and enjoying one another as a family. I am happy that I'm the end everything went to what I would call the perfect life and I love it now one to my book.

The End❤️

Published at 11:11PM 10/22/23 Make a wish bookie butt☺️

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