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The night before had brought up many memories for Arabella, but she knew better than to let that affect her

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The night before had brought up many memories for Arabella, but she knew better than to let that affect her. Tonight was the very first Slug Club gathering and Arabella was looking forward to it, to say the least.

She did not need to have attended Hogwarts her whole life to know that Tom Riddle had everyone fooled. The perfect student, the charming boy. There were only two exceptions; Arabella and Albus Dumbledore.

Arabella had noticed Albus was not fooled by the act that is Tom Riddle. He was always smart, as much as she hated to admit it. But he was also lazy. He didn't care about anything as long as he did not get hurt. So, though he knew Tom was, or could become a threat, he did nothing about him himself and turning to help was last resort. He was more of a, "please do this favour for me," man by manipulating the person into thinking it could save everyone, when he could have easily solved the problem himself. Arabella had seen it happen many times. She had known Grindelwald.

Arabella, on the other hand, was the type of girl to come across an issue and immediately solve it before it deeply affected her. And she was not the type to go solving problems unless they effected her first-hand.

Tonight, she wanted to figure out why Tom had killed the Riddles.

She was staring at her small box of clothes that sat on her bed when Valerie walked in. She smiled sweetly at Arabella. "Where are you going?" she asked, noticing Arabella's black hair styled and curled, framing her porcelain skin. Her lips were coloured a deep, blood-red while her eyes screamed dominance.

During the weeks spent sharing a dorm with Valerie and Colette, Arabella had grown quite accustomed to them. Mainly Valerie. Valerie was much more pleasant than Colette. Colette was the typical prestigious pureblood you would come across. She was the "leader" of the trio of her, Valerie and the brunette called Olive Hornby who was just as self-centred as Colette.

Arabella had also put together Tom's posse who consisted of Valerie's twin brother Romeo Lestrange, Edmund Nott (who Arabella had already become friends with), Abraxas Malfoy (who seemed to be Tom's right-hand-boy), Raymond Rosier and Izar Avery.

"I'm going to the Slug Club," Arabella answered Valerie.

"Oh, you got invited? Congratulations." Valerie peered into Arabella's small box of clothes. "You sure packed lightly."

Arabella's clothes only included two sets of the uniform and the outfit she had worn when she arrived. "Didn't expect to be going to a formal dinner."

"If you would like, I have a dress that would look really perfect on you. I could never find the right time to wear it."

Arabella thanked her. "That would be great."

A few minutes later, Arabella stared at herself in the mirror. Well, her shoulder down anyway. The dress Valerie had lended to her was an absolutely lovely dark green colour that reached the floor and hugged her body from the waist up. The lower half was like a huge skirt with a slit cut through. It had a deep v-neck and was backless. But it wasn't perfect.

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