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chapter oneeeee, lets goooo!

Determined and on a mission, Y/N turns up her collar and makes her way down the shadowy sidewalk. The neighborhood bustles with families doing their best to prepare for the upcoming holiday. Some group together to put air in their spooky blowup decorations, while others work on hanging orange, purple, and green fairy lights. Through the liveliness of the late afternoon drifts the very specific musk of fall: Rain, outdoors, and a tiny tinge of fried food.

Even with this being Y/N's first time in the neighborhood, she walks like she knows where she's going. As she hurries along the damp pavement, where the concrete sidewalk turns into a winding, gravel drive, she squints her eyes, training them on the house of focus. Surrounded by overgrown bushes, it stands out in its weed-strewn clearing.

A layer of dead leaves covers the home's front porch, filling numerous gaps in the wooden boards. The twin balconies on the second story show a similar state of neglect. Several patches of the roof are stripped of its shingles, leaving a few small holes that Y/N could see during her walk here. Most of the windows are broken and haphazardly covered with cardboard and duct tape, and others are shut closed and draped with dark curtains.

It goes without question, this place has been abandoned for some years, but Y/N specializes in this particular type of abandonment. With a little bit of imagination, Y/N has no problem picturing how beautifully grand this house must've been back in the day, but right now, it was quite the opposite. On dark nights like this one, the glass of the windows would have glowed yellow with warm light from the inside. The front porch has dusty flower pots that probably harvested a few lovely flowers, but now, all they hold is rocks, weeds, and thirsty soil.

It's a shame, Y/N thinks. Maybe if someone had bothered to keep up with the place, its current occupant wouldn't have moved in. And not only that, the young children might still have the chance to trick-or-treat freely had there not been an other worldly being in the neighborhood.

A deep rattle shivers its way through Y/N's body. If the local gossip is true, she'd be facing a vampire tonight, and she had just what she needed in order to slay it. On her back, a bookbag full of sharp stakes in various shapes and sizes, and holstered in her belt, the largest of the collection.

Despite what others may think, vampires are not just savage beasts looking for a drink of blood; She has to be prepared for how smart and clever they are as well. Y/N will be the first to admit, almost all of them have been blessed with a simple, yet timeless beauty. In her eyes, however, it serves as nothing more than a troubling distraction.

Regardless of how beautiful this vampire may appear to be, it's still a monster that Y/N is determined to kill.

With one hand holding the strap of her backpack and the other hovering by her belt, Y/N creeps onto the front porch. She takes the steps slowly, testing the boards beneath her feet, and although the wood feels pretty sturdy, it groans out a loud creak of protest after each step. The noise makes her wince, but the stake tucked at her side is comforting. It works as a gentle reminder of what she's capable of doing — A reminder of her own lethal abilities.

Once she makes it to the front doors, she turns one of the brass knobs, gasping quietly when it gives without any resistance. Y/N frowns. The door being unlocked doesn't sit well. Usually, vampires are fiercely protective of where they lay their heads. This one seems like they're inviting her in. Almost like they're playing some kind of twisted game just to fuck with Y/N's mind.

Securing her hold on her weapon, she pushes the door open. It swings inward with an ominous creak, revealing a dark entrance hall. She enters cautiously, leaving the door ajar to allow for extra light, and most importantly, to use as a quick escape route if needed.

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