Chapter Ten

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For the past few day's I've done nothing but work. Going back and forth to the station and the club. Trying to help the cops find whoever it was that killed in my club also trying to get everything back on track. I've been stressed.

I was walking back in the house after a full day running around I was irritated and I was tired. I walked up into my room and flopped down on my bed.

Dylan walked in my room. "Hey baby. You okay?" He asked walking over to my bed to sit next to me. "No. I'm so stressed Dylan there's too much going on."

"Come here." He took my hand and we walked into his room. We walked into his bathroom. "I made you a bath." I walked in to see the bathroom set up. Rose petals on the floor and in the water. Candles lit and a nice relaxing bubble bath with my name on it. He did this for me. "Aww thanks baby." I turned around and kissed him.

"I'll leave you to it." He left out the room and I got undressed and got in the bath. The water was nice and warm. It felt perfect. I needed this. I sat in the water and let me body relax. After awhile Dylan came back in holding a towle and a robe for me. I got out the tub dried myself off and put the robe on.

I sat down on his bed and looked at him. "What's going on here?" I asked crossing my arms.

"Well I see that you're been working your ass off and I wanted to try to help. So for the rest of the day I'm all yours. Anything you want you can get it's all about you today."

"Did you do something?" I asked still trying to see what was up. He got closer to me. "I'm just trying to be a good boyfriend." I smiled. "You're really sweet."

"Just for you." He kissed me softy. "Come on I fixed you dinner." He held my hand and we walked into the kitchen. He sat me down infront of the tv in the living. He walked in the kitchen fo awhile then walked back over with a plate for me and him.

"You fixed my favorite!" Chicken Alfredo and cheese toast. I looked at that food like a fat bitch walking into a buffa. He gave me my platee and fixed both of us some wine to go with our food. He put on my all time favorite disney movie. The Princess and the Frog. This was one of the most romantic thing anybody has ever did for me.

Dylan was one of the best guys I ever met. He cares and he shows me that he does.

"I didn't know you could cook Greco."

"It's a lot of thing you don't know about me Summers." 

"I can't wait to find everything out." After the movie I helped him wash the dishes. "Do you like dancing princess?" he asked after we finished the dishes.


"Well my friend is having this gala thing tomorrow night and I want you to come with me."

"That means I have to dress all girly and stuff."

"Yes. You'll have to wear a pretty dress and heels. You'll have to be my princess for a night. We can drink and dance all night."

"I don't know about the heels but okay."

"Good. It's going to be fun you'll see." He walked up to me and grabbed my waist. He pulled me in closer closing the space between us. I smiled. "You are the most amazing thing in the world. You will forever be the only thing I live for."

"Thank you for today it was nice."

"Anything for you." He kissed me. Everytime he kisses me I fall more and more in love with him. His phone started ringing. He picked up his phone still holding me by my waist.

"Hey? Okay. Yeah. I'll be there in 5. Don't do anything until I get there." He hung up the phone and looked at me. "Don't be mad."

"Don't tell me you have to go."

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