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Toya laid in his bed staring at the ceiling tired of being stuck in his room so often. He rolled to the side until he heard a knock on the door.

"Come in" Toya said looking at the door. A maid opened up the door and walked in a little.

"Hello His Royal Highness dinner is ready and your father wants to talk about something" the maid said

"Please don't be so formal, just call me Toya and thank you for telling" Toya said now sitting on the bed.

"You're so kind Toya I bet you will grow up to be a great King" The maid said as she smiled. She turned around leaving the room and closed the door after her.
Toya got a weird feeling about what his father wanted to talk about. If he guessed right it was about that he soon had to find a girl to marry since he's soon is 18. He really didn't want to find someone to marry but because of his father, he was forced to find someone.

Toya stood up and walked over to the door. He let out a sigh and opened up the door and walked out. He kept thinking of who he had to marry, Toya wasn't really into girls and would see them as friends instead of someone to marry and have a life with. He pushed these thoughts out of his head and walked over to the dinner room where his father already were sitting down.

Toya took a seat and started to eat. When both of them were done eating Toyas father looked at him.

"Toya you probably already know what I wanna talk about" Toyas dad had a serious look on his face as usual.

"Yes father I do think I know what you're thinking of" Toya said looking down at the plate.

"Well I keep finding all the most beautiful girls close by and still you choose to reject them all, why is that Toya?" He was looking directly at Toya

"Sorry father, but-" Toya got cut off by his father

"No buts Toya at this point I'm just gonna pick who you have to marry, I won't even give you a choice"

Toya froze completely of what his father said. If he was gonna pick for Toya would just end up with some girl that is only interested in one: Toyas looks or two: Toyas fame. He hated this idea, Toya hated every idea coming from his father. But the problem was that Toya was to scared of talking back to his father due to what he could do.

"Yes father I understand that" Toya says quietly

"Well then good we're agreeing here" Toyas father says.

"Am I free to leave father?" Toya asks while not wanting to look at his father.

"Yes you are Toya" he answered with a cold face.

Toya went up to his bedroom again. Now he just wanted to be alone. All locked up in his room, unless... he could go to the garden to spend some time there. Toya wasn't with the garden as much as he used to before his mother passed. Toya stared out of the window again. He really wanted to get out right now so he got up from the bed and got some other clothes on, then he walked down. Luckily his father was gone to do something, so Toya didn't really have to care for him now.

Toya walked out of one of the not so visible doors in the castle and over to the garden. It was weird that he usually didn't go as much here anymore because when he did he felt really relaxed. He took a deep breath and sat down on a bench. Suddenly he heard footsteps coming from behind.

"Oh hello His Royal Highness, are you here all alone here?" a maid said walking over to him.

"Well yeah I guess so" He answered quietly.

"I heard there is going to be a ball for your birthday, are you excited?" The maid said

"Huh, ball?" Toya asked confused. He didn't know anything about a ball.

"Oh you didn't know? I guess your father forgot to tell you about it then, there will be a ball in a few days."

"Oh" Toya said. Great, now he had to worry about a ball on his birthday.

"Well I have to go, have a lovely day" the maid walked away leaving Toya alone on the bench.

Toya watched the clouds as they flew by. It was really peaceful out here. After a while he got bored and decided to walk back in. When he got back inside he met his father there. Toya walked up to him and asked quietly:

"Father, a maid talked about there being a ball for my birthday, is that true?
He looked at Toya seriously.

"Yes there is, and also I have made sure there are many beautiful girls there so hopefully you will soon find someone to marry"

Toya got really uncomfortable with what his father just said.

"The ball will take place on this Friday night" Toyas father looked away from him,

"Alright" His birthday was only three days away.
"Why did you even arrange this ball for me?" Toya asked his father confused.

"Because I want to be seen as a great king and I want you to find someone to marry really soon, you should be really grateful you have me, who knows where you would have been without me"

Toya didn't manage to get another word out from his own mouth. He looked the other way, away from his father and walked slowly away.

"That what I thought" Toyas father said "You're just as your mother, an ungrateful and pathetic person"

Toya stopped and got really angry about what he just heard and looked straight back at his father.

"Don't talk about my mother like that!" Toya shouted back at him. This was where he knew he shouldn't have said that, because now his father walked up to him looking very angry.

"What did you just do?" Toyas father stared at him angrily. Toya didn't say anything, he didn't regret what he just said. Toya quickly tried to run the other direction before his father could do anything, but it was to late. His father already had a really hard grip around his arm. It was hurting really bad.

"Don't you ever dare talk back to me" The grip got harder and harder around his arm.
"LOOK AT ME WHEN IM TALKING TO YOU TOYA!" Toya slowly looked at him. The grip loosened around his hand, but then he felt a hard slap on his face. Toya fell hard on the ground covering up where he got slapped.

"Ungrateful brat, you know who's the boss here so don't even dare trying to defend yourself against me!" Even though Toya wasn't looking up, he could feel the angry look coming from his father.

Toya got lifted up by his collar of his shirt.

"Got it brat?!" Toya nodded slowly then he got released and hit the floor. Toyas father walked away, meanwhile Toya felt weak, weak for not being able to stand more up for himself again his father.

He stood up feeling really dizzy, holding a hand over his forehead and walked stumbling over to his room, where he feel on the bed and passed out.


Okay author here! Please correct if you see any grammar mistakes or just mistakes in general. I'm not used to writing and also I am don't speak English as my first language that's why there might be mistakes. And as you can see I have some akitoya fanart at the beginning so if the artist doesn't want people reposting it tell me please and I will change it.

I will try my best to post fast but when you have no ideas it's kinda hard💀

Give ideas please here

Anyway have a great day/night! :)

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