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Akito had dragged Toya with him after arguing with An. He stopped and looked at Toya

"Sorry for dragging you, but what do you wanna do?" Akito looked up at Toya

"Well you're probably most used to this place so got any recommendations?" Toya said

"Not really we could go to a cafe if you want, I know about a really good one!" Akito said happily

"Sounds good for me" Toya said

"Alright let's go then!" Toya followed after Akito to where he led him. Toya felt really calm being with Akito. The two boys walked for a few minutes. On the way to the cafe Toya looked around just like he had never been here before, he looked at Akito and still couldn't understand what was so familiar with him. Akito saw Toya staring and him and looking like he was thinking. Akito looked at the slightly taller male and asked him

"Anything bothering you Toya? You're staring" Akito was kinda curious

"Well I know it's weird but I just feel like it's have seen you somewhere before the ball" Toya looked down watching his shoes

"Is that so?" Akito looked up
"I guess he kinda remembers it then"
"What if I tell you we have met before?" Akito looked at Toya and getting eye contact with him

"Really?" Toya stared at him

"Mhm, wanna go the cafe later and now show you where we have met before?"

"Sure, I just ate so I'm not that hungry anyway"

"Alright then follow me" Akito started walking to the park. Toya walked confused after him

When they both got there they walked over to a bench still Toya was confused of what Akito meant until he realized.

"Wait... you're the boy I met here a bunch of years ago Akito?" Toya started to almost cry a little.

"Surprise surprise Toya I'm glad to meet you again"

"I missed you Akito" Toya hugged Akito catching him off guard but hugged him back.


"You're so good on the piano for being only eight his royal highness" The lady teaching Toya said.

"Thank you" Toya mumbled in answer quietly

"Well you're free to go now his royal highness hopefully I will see you soon again!" The lady smiled happily to Toya meanwhile he just nodded.

"Thank you for having me miss" he said before leaving her house.

Toya walking home from piano practice, he crossed a street and started walking through the park. There was a bunch of people talking, playing and just hanging around there. He saw some kids playing soccer and didn't think to much of it. Toya was about to pass them until he didn't realize a ball came flying towards him, it came closer and closer until he heard someone shouting:

"Hey! Watch out!!" Toya looked in the direction of the shouting came from and noticed the ball, but it was to late the ball had already hit him. Toya had already fallen straight onto the ground. A boy about Toyas age came running toward him fast. The boy came over and held out a hand to help Toya up. Toya took his hand and got up.

"I'm so sorry I hope you didn't get that hurt" the boy said

"It's fine" Toya brushed himself off

"Do you wanna join us play?" The boy looked at Toya hopefully

"Um.. not really i'm not so good at it" Toya said unsure

"That's fine" the boy didn't seem to want to leave yet

"Don't you wanna go back and play?" Toya asked

"Well not really, the game is starting to become boring and I wanna get to know you better!"

"You do?" Toya got kinda surprised

"Mhm, my name is Akito" Akito said happily

"Well I'm Toya" Toya said actually happy Toya wasn't used to have so many friends so he was happy for having a friend who wasn't Saki or Tsukasa.

Toya and Akito would always hang out after Toyas piano practice. Both of them loved each others company until one day.

Toya was just finished with his piano practice so he ran out of the door, he continued running over to the park making sure not to get run over by something. Toya slowed down when he saw their usual meeting spot by a bench a little hidden behind a tree. Toya walked over to the bench and sat down looking around for Akito. After a while Toya was still waiting but no signs of Akito, Toya got up and started walking home.

"Maybe he was busy and forgot about it" Toya thought to himself but each day became the same for Toya, go to piano practice, run over to the park, look for Akito and walk home disappointed. After a few months of Toya doing this he eventually lost hope and stopped doing this.

End of flashback

Toya didn't want to let go of Akito scared of losing him again. Toya finally asked Akito where he had been all this time

"Well I'm sorry but my family had to move so sudden that I didn't get the time to see you before, but I'm here now Toya" Akito said that in a calm voice making Toya feel better and let him go. Akito tried to hide the that he actually liked Toya hugging him and not wanting to let him go.

"Don't leave me again Akito do you even know how much I missed you?"

"I am terribly sorry Toya I wish I could tell you before we left" Akito looked down sadly

"It's fine you're at least here now, you came back for me I shouldn't complain " Toya smiled softly making Akitos heart beat faster which made Akito confused about his feelings.

"But still I feel bad for leaving you Toya" Akito sighs

"Don't be please, I'm not mad at you"


"No buts Akito" Toya crosses his arms
"So stop being mad about yourself, please"

"Alright then.."

"So how was it moving from here?" Toya ask curiously

"Well to be honest life without you was pretty boring"

"So you missed me that much huh" Toya couldn't help but laugh a little. Akito got got a little flustered. Akito didn't want to say exactly how much he had missed Toya but it was a lot. Now he tried to make the conversation over to something else

"Well I'm starting to get hungry, wanna go to the cafe and get something?" Akito stood up and looked down at Toya

"Yeah finding out about all this stuff made me somehow hungry" Toya also stood up and looked at the slightly shorter male.

"Then let's go shall we" Akito started walking leading the way for Toya.


I'm sorry if this chapter is cringe 😭 after making it I realized how much I didn't like it but couldn't be bothered to remake it

And sorry for not updating in a while, just haven't had the motivation for writing lately

Anyway hope you have a great day/night and thank you for reading this

Any suggestions are always welcomed —>

// His Royal Highness love// Akitoya royal au //Where stories live. Discover now