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Toya woke up with a big headache. He didn't pass out comfortably, so now he was laying still thinking of what he got called yesterday. Was he really a pathetic, ungrateful brat? No, at least he didn't think so. He stood up nearly falling on the floor. He checked his clock, it was only a day left until his birthday. Hopefully his only friends Saki and Tsukasa, the people he felt were his really family would be there. They were like siblings for him and he cared for them really much, but unlucky he couldn't meet as much as he used to do.

Jumping over to his birthday

Today was the day the day Toya didn't like at all, his own birthday. He did feel better from all the pain yesterday, but there was still a mark on his face after his father. Toya sighed quietly, he didn't want to celebrate his birthday. He took a pillow and hugged it tightly, for him this was comforting.

Now when there was only a few hours left until the ball Toya got more and more anxious, he didn't like being with so many people at the same time. He hugged the pillow more tighter. No one usually never said happy birthday to him except if he passed by some of the maids. Toya normally would just stay in his room on his birthday, but now he was forced to actually celebrate it. His father never celebrated it with him before.

Before the birthday started Toya took a shower hopefully to relax a bit more. He had gotten a bit less nervous. After the shower Toya wore a white suit and he fixed up his hair a bit. He took a last look in the mirror before he went out.

Toya walked into the ballroom and looked around. There was a bunch of people and suddenly all eyes were on him. Toya walked more slowly now, and got more and more overwhelmed. He got surrounded by thoughts until he felt a hand on his shoulder, Toya jumped a little but quickly calmed down when he saw who it was.

"Toya!" A blonde haired boy said with peachy color on the end of his hair. Beside him were a smiling girl who looked almost exactly like the other male.

"Tsukasa you scared me a little" Toya said with a relived sigh that it wasn't anyone else.

"Oh sorry" Tsukasa let go of Toyas shoulder and laughed a little
"Anyway happy birthday!!" Tsukasa said with a bright happy smile as usual.

"Thank you" Toya smiled

"Happy birthday!!" The girl said while running up to Toya and hugged him.

"Thank you Saki" Toya gladly accepted Sakis hug. When she finally released Toya from the hug she looked up at him with a smirk.

"Toya, I think Tsukasa has something to say" She looked at her brother smirking. Toya saw how Tsukasa started blushing

"N-no I don't" Tsukasa looked away clearly not good at hiding it.

"Fine, if you won't say it I will" Saki crossed her arms , she looked back at Toya and whispered into his ear.

"Tsukasa got a crush" she said with a smirk. Tsukasa got more red in his face.
"The name is Rui" Tsukasa went over to Saki and covered her mouth to try and prevent her from saying more. Toya couldn't help but chuckle a little of how they were together.

Toya saw a purple haired guy walking towards them.
Saki got free from Tsukasa and quickly whispered to Toya:

"That's him" she pointed to the purple haired guy.

"Hello Tsukasa~" The boy said.

"O-oh hello Rui!" Tsukasa said trying to hide his blush from earlier.

"Ah, I see you're with Saki and you must be Toya if I'm correct" Rui looked at Toya with a smile.

"Yes I'm Toya" Toya nodded.

"My pleasure" Rui bowed

"No need to be so formal, a friend of Tsukasa and Saki doesn't need to be formal" Toya smiled softly. Rui nodded and said:

"Tsukasa I have some new ideas for you to try~" Rui started dragging Tsukasa with him.

"Hey let me go!" Tsukasa tried to get free but ended up defeated. When they were both out of sight Toya looked confused at Saki.

"Ideas for Tsukasa to try?"

"Oh yeah, for some reason Tsukasa helps Rui with different types of projects and robots, don't ask me why he works with making shows and stuff but whatever makes him happy" Saki let out a smile

"Oh, I feel like I missed a bunch of chapters here" Toya looked down

"Yeah you really did miss a bunch of chapters, I wish we could talk more" Saki also looked down

"Yeah same here, I could try and make it so we can hang out more" Toya looked at Saki

"Really?!" Saki stared at Toya really excited

Toya smiled and nodded. That was when they heard someone yelling Saki. They both looked in the direction and saw a few girls waving.
Saki looked back at Toya and asked:

"Do you mind if I go over to them?" Saki wanted to make sure Toya didn't feel alone.

"I don't mind" Toya smiled softly

"Okay then, see you later, just come over if you want to later!" Saki waved to Toya and ran up to the girls. Toya decided to take a walk outside. He went over to the door and got outside. He took a deep breath and looked up at the stars now he didn't want to get back inside. It was so quiet and relaxing outside. He leaned against the fence to the balcony. His eyes closed until someone walked up to him and stood beside him.

"What an honor to meet his royal highness Toya all alone out here" the male said. Toya looked at the male.

"Please don't be so formal" Toya said

"Oh you don't like it?" The male looked at Toya

"Not really to be honest" Toya said with a sigh.

"Alright Toya nice meeting you out here" he looked up at the stars
"Oh I almost forgot, happy birthday" he looked back at Toya with a smile.

"Thank you" Toya could feel his face heat up a little. Which was unusual for him, there was something up with the male. He was just so...

"Hello?" Toya snapped back from his thoughts.

"Oh sorry I kinda zoned out my apologies" Toya put a hand on his neck

"Don't apologize it's nothing" the male looked back at the stars

"You really like the stars I see" Toya said with a smile

"Yeah I guess you can say that" the male could feel his face getting warmer

"What's your name if I can ask?" Toya asked the male

"Oh, my name is Akito"

"Well nice to meet you Akito" Akitos face got warmer

"Nice to meet you too" Akito looked away.

A door opened up behind them. They both turned around by the sound. Unlucky for Toya it was his father.

"So this is where you have been hiding, come in immediately!" He was about to grab Toyas wrist and pull Toya with him, until he spotted Akito. When he saw him he stopped and walked inside again.

"What the heck was that about?" Akito looked confused at Toya.

"Well do you want to listen to all of my problems with him?" Toya asked

"Well I think I'm a pretty good listener" Akito said. Toya could help but smile a little.

"Maybe another time Akito" Toya sighs

"Whenever you want prince~" Akito said. This time Toya didn't mind called prince for some reason. He smiled again.

"Thank you" Toya started walking inside and Akito followed right behind him. Toya did get overwhelmed again by all the people again. Akito noticed this and pulled Toya with him to a less crowded spot. Toya thanked him again and continued talking together about random stuff.

// His Royal Highness love// Akitoya royal au //Where stories live. Discover now