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"I DONT GIVE A SHIT" Akito turned off the phone after that and stayed quiet for a while.

"Akito..." Toya said looking down on the ground.

"What is it?" Akito turned to Toya

"I'm sorry for dragging you into this, now you're in trouble with the king because of me" Toya said still staring at the ground

"Are you serious? You shouldn't be the one to apologize Toya" Akito put both hands around Toya and pulling him in for a hug.
"It's not your fault that he is an asshole and don't worry about me getting in trouble with him" said Akito meanwhile Toya hugged him back a little tighter and almost letting out a few tears.

"If you wanna talk more about it then we can go to my house" Akito asked Toya. Toya just nodded to an answer, so they both walked home to Akito's house. The walk over to Akito's house was mostly just quiet with Akito holding an arm around Toya for comforting him a bit after what happened between his father and him. Toya didn't mind at all that Akito held around him. It really felt good and comforting

After a bit they both got to Akito's house. To Akito's surprise two other people were already there sitting on the couch close together watching something on the tv. They heard the door open up and turned around to see who it was.

"Ena, I thought you said you were going to Mizuki's house!" Akito looked annoyed

"Nope to bad now we are here. And by the way Mizuki is taking the guest room so if your "friend" here is staying over he gotta be in your room" Ena looked over at Toya.

"Ugh fine then" said Akito as he basically pulled Toya with him. As Akito lead Toya to his room, Toya looked around where he was. The house was really nice so far. Akito pulled Toya into a room and locked the door.

"I'm sorry for my annoying sister being here I thought she was staying with Mizuki at their house"

"No worries Akito. I don't mind" Toya said smiling slightly

"Then do you mind sharing a bed with me? Because we don't really have any spare mattress and the couch is to uncomfortable to sleep on" said Akito

"Oh I haven't thought about that, but I think it will work with me just sleeping on the couch I have already bothered you enough for today" answered Toya

"No you're not sleeping on the couch that's for sure. We can sleep on the bed together there should be enough space for the both of us."

"Alright then" Toya answered as he sat down on Akito's bed. Akito sat down beside him and made himself comfortable.

"Akito?" Toya looked at Akito

"Hm?" Akito looked back at Toya

"Thank you for everything so far" Toya gave a warm smile. Akito gave a smile back and answered

"No problem that's what you do for a friend"

"If there is anything I can do in return please tell me" Toya said

"I will keep that in mind prince~" Akito said

"Would you stop calling me that" said Toya as he got more flustered in the face and grabbed Akito's pillow and threw it at him. Toya didn't exactly get the reaction he wanted, instead he got a laughing Akito. Meanwhile Akito kept laughing Toya continued attacking Akito with the pillow.

"Fine fine I give up" Akito was still laughing a little

"Good" Toya said proud. What Toya didn't know was that Akito grabbed a pillow and threw it back at Toya. Toya let out a small laugh. After they continued hitting each other with pillows they stopped after a little while. They both went into a comfortable silence befor Akito decided to break the silence and asked:

"What do you wanna do now?"

"Well what do you have here that's fun?"

"Not much really but we could always watch a movie on my pc" Akito said

"I don't know if I can make it through a movie without falling asleep because I'm tired after today" Toya answered while letting out a yawn

"Well... we can start on a movie and if you fall asleep we can continue it tomorrow?" Akito suggested. Toya nods and answers


Akito got out of the bed and found his pc where he got into his Netflix account and started looking for a movie to watch as he sat down beside Toya again. After a while they ended up with a movie that none of them have watched before.

One hour later into the movie Akito could feel something on his shoulder. Akito took a look and just as he thought, on his shoulder was there a sleeping Toya. Akito paused the movie and moved Toyas head slightly and got out of the bed quietly to not wake up Toya and put his pc on his desk then got back onto the bed again. Akito decided to make Toya a little bit more comfortable while sleeping by moving Toyas position a little. Luckily for Akito Toya haven't woken up in the process as he still slept just as peacefully.
Akito laid down beside him and stroked Toya's hair gently until he realized what he did and ended up pulling away his hand quickly and blushing.

Later that night Akito still haven't fallen asleep yet. He was looking at his phone until he felt some arms around him. The arms held around him gently and didn't really seem like wanting to let go. Akito put his phone down and looked at Toya holding around him. He felt his cheek getting a little warm and tried to move the hand a little without waking up Toya, but it wasnt really to use. Akito gave up and just let Toya hold around him because he didnt really mind it plus now Akito couldnt resist holding around him either. Then after staying like this for a bit Akito also fell asleep.

The two boys hugged each other as they both slept peacefully through the night. Nothing bothered them at all.

Next morning Toya woke up feeling really warm. After fully waking up he realized they were both hugging each other. Toya let go but the sleeping Akito didn't. Toya tried to wake him up but to no luck. He let out a sigh but didn't really mind staying like this either so he didn't try much more. After a bit of staying like that Akito woke up slowly.

"Look who's awake" Toya chuckled gently. Akito who still haven't fully woken up didn't realize he was holding Toya so he kept holding a little longer. But when he finally fully woke up and realized that he was hugging Toya, Akito let go of him with a slight sign of a blush. Toya moved back a little after he got released from Akito.
"Sorry, I didn't notice at first" Akito let out an awkward smile. He didn't want to mention what happened last night to make it more awkward

"It's fine I didn't exactly hate it" Toya mumbled. He froze after he realized he had said that out loud but luckily Akito didn't seem to notice what he just said.

"What did you say? I kinda didn't catch it" Akito asked

"Ah, it was nothing just forget it" Toya looked away awkward


Annnd now I will go back to being dead for a month, see ya

Yeah so here's your monthly update people. Hope you enjoyed this. So I kinda realized how out of character some of the original stuff was and yeah... not fun. 💀

And btw I have also been thinking of making another fanfic but this time it will be ruikasa. It will be about knight/prince Tsukasa and Rui who posses dark magic. So I'll gladly take some ideas if you got any for that

// His Royal Highness love// Akitoya royal au //Where stories live. Discover now