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The rest of the day flew by for the boys. They went to the game place even though they both know it was rigged. A bit later they went to the claw machines and somehow Toya was really good at them.

"Come on"
"Yes!" Toya had just won a plushie

"What do you even do with the plushies?" Akito asked Toya

"Well normally I would just give the plushies away"
Toya is now trying to get another one from the same machine which made Akito a bit confused why he wanted a duplicate.

"Here" Toya handed him over the new plushie he just got.

"Why did you give me it?" Akito looked at Toya

"Just to be nice, but if you don't want it I can give it to someone else" When Akito heard that he grabbed the plushie and held it.

"No need I will take it when you get it for me" this made Toya smile. Akito did have a softer side which was adorable in Toyas eyes.

"The sun is going down really soon now. Could we just do one more thing before we leave?" Akito looked at Toya again.

"Sure what do you wanna do?" Toya also looked at Akito meeting his eyes.

"So I was thinking if we could take the ferris wheel only if you're comfortable I don't wanna make you-" Akito kinda started to think about if it really was a good idea to ask until Toya interrupted him in middle sentence.

"Calm down Akito you sound like you just said something you shouldn't have said to your parents. But yes we could go in the Ferris wheel" Toya sounded so calm even though he was scared of heights

"Are you sure?"

"Yes I am so let's go before I change my mind" Toya started to reconsider it.

They ended up walking to the Ferris wheel. There wasn't really any queue due to it starting to get late. They sat down on the seats opposite of each other and waited for it to start. Toya wasn't exactly the most excited for the highest point of the ride, but luckily he had Akito by his side who made him feel a little better. The wheel started going and Toya could feel the fear hitting him even though he was looking down at the floor. Meanwhile Akito watched Toya making sure he was alright but he eventually saw that Toya was a little scared. Akito quickly went over to Toyas side and sat down beside him which Toya took as an opportunity to wrap his arm around Akitos arm to feel safer. Akito held his hand and squeezed it slightly and rubbing his thumb back and forth over Toyas hand trying to make him feel safer.

Toya formed a blush over his face as Akito did this. Something with it just felt so right and little did Toya know Akito also felt like that in the same way. Toya leaned his head on Akitos shoulder. The ferris wheel went up and up until they stopped at the top which Akito did a tap on Toya with his elbow to get his attention.

"Look we're at the top Toya you did it" Akito was really proud of Toya for doing this. Toya took his head up from Akitos shoulder and looked out of the window where the sun was about to go down. The view amazed Toya so he stopped holding around Akitos arm for a bit and only held his hand. That was only until the ferris wheel started moving again and Toya immediately held around Akitos arm again and leaned against Akitos shoulder.

"Don't be so scared Toya when I'm here nothing will hurt you I promise" Akito whispered quietly to Toya who started to blush by hearing this. Akito soon realized what he just said and also started to blush. Toya quickly mumbled and gave a smile

"Thank you Akito I appreciate it" Akito looked at the boy who held around his arm and smiled softly. This boy was really precious for Akito. Nothing would hurt him on Akitos watch.

Akito rested his head on Toya and they stayed like that the rest of the ride. Toya haven't been so calm so high up before which was really good for him. Akito wasn't usually the type who liked being so close with other people but with Toya he didn't mind at all being close with him. Toya was even leaning on his shoulder and holding around his arm and Akito didn't even mind a bit all he wanted to do was to stay like this longer.

After not to long after that the ride was over for them. The two boys went out and still holding hands without noticing at first.

"Um Akito?" Said a flustered Toya

"Hm?" Akito apparently haven't noticed it yet

"Could you maybe let go of my hand" Toya was still flustered and Akito also got flustered when Toya said this and immediately let go of his hand.

"Sorry for that" Akito felt hot in his face

"No, I should be the one who is sorry because of my fear of heights I should've stayed down on the ground instead of bothering you" Toya looked away embarrassed

"Don't be sorry I didn't mind at all" Akito looked also away embarrassed after saying that.

"Really?" Toya was a little surprised that he didn't mind. Akito nodded quickly to answer. Akito tried to change the conversation now

"So what do you wanna do now?" Asked Akito still hot in his face.

"It's getting late so why not call it a day?" After Toya said that he actually didn't wanna go.
"Well actually I don't wanna go yet" he quickly shoots in

"Yeah same here" Akito was thinking of what they could do
"Maybe you could stay over at my place for a bit, because I'm alone since my sister left with her not yet partner"

"Oh sure let me ask my father first" Toya said as he took up his phone and started calling his dad.

(Toya, Toya's dad)

"WHERE ARE YOU?! I HAVE BEEN LOOKING EVERYWHERE FOR YOU! COME BACK IMMEDIATELY YOUNG MAN!" Toyas father yelled at the top of his lungs in the phone making Toya a little annoyed

"I'm staying over at a friends house if you really need to know" Toya got more annoyed

"NO YOU'RE NOT YOU COME BACK HOME NOW USELESS BRAT" Those last words coming from Toya's dad caught Akito off guard. Meanwhile Toya tried to stay calm

"I'm to tired dealing with you right now I'm staying with him for tonight whenever you like it or not" Toya closed his fist

"This is why you will never be good enough for anything Toya. You always do your own thing just wait until you get home and I will teach you a valuable lesson worthless boy"  Shit. Toya froze. He had really messed up now

"Going all quiet now I see" Akito had heard the whole conversation and was angry about how someone could say something like that to their own son so Akito whispered to Toya:

"Toya give me the phone I have a few things I would say to that old man" Toya did as Akito asked and handed over his phone to Akito

"Listen here you old man. DONT EVEN DARE TALK TO YOUR OWN SON LIKE THAT" It was clear that Akito was mad


"I DONT GIVE A SHIT" Akito turned off the phone after that and stayed quiet for a while.


Kinda cringe ending but I'm to tired to rewrite it so yeah

Have a good day/night! See you guys next chapter

// His Royal Highness love// Akitoya royal au //Where stories live. Discover now