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They both had an amazing night that day. Toya totally forgot how overwhelmed he felt earlier. Akito was really special for Toya even though they just met. For a weird reason Toya haven't noticed his father much today, now he started thinking about where he was. Toya looked back at Akito. Akito hesitated a little but bowed slightly and held his hand out

"May I get a dance with you~?"  Akito tried to have a calm voice but in reality he was nervous. He had never asked someone to dance with him before. Toya looked down at Akito's hand, he smiled and held his hand.

"I would love to~"  Akito got happy by Toya's answer. He pulled Toya out to the dance floor. They both could feel eyes looking at them, but at that moment they didn't care. Many people were wondering why the price would dance with another guy out of all the people, but there were also people cheering on them. The two boys danced slowly happily together, they were also surprisingly good at dancing together.
At the end of their little performance Akito make Toya spin then he held around his waist.

After they were done was when it actually hit them what happened. They both walked away blushing slightly. Toya stared to smile warmly.

"What made you so smily?" Akito asked Toya

"It's just that I actually haven't had so fun in dancing before" Akito blushed when Toya said that

"He actually liked dancing with me?" Akito thought to himself

"Thank you" Toya suddenly said. Akito got confused by what Toya said.

"For what?" Akito looked at Toya

"For making my day so much better" Toya smiled softly

"O-oh, that's nothing it's your birthday, beside I might have enjoyed it to much myself" Akito looked away, and Toya let out a little laugh

"I'm glad you enjoyed it" Toya said happily

Toya could feel angry eyes looking at him from a distance, he knew exactly who it was but just decided to ignore it. Toya didn't want to ruin the night because of his father. The boys continued their night together. Unluckily for them the ball was soon to end.

At the end, Akito had to leave so they waved and said goodbye to each other. Which was really sad for both of them, missing each other already after just leaving.

"So I finally meet you again Toya, to be honest you haven't changed a bit" Akito smiled to himself when walking home.

"But it's sad you didn't seem to recognize me" Akito sighed.

When Toya finally got back to the castle he got pulled away by his father.

"What were you thinking?! Dancing with some random guy?" Toyas father yelled making Toyas ears hurt.
"What if people think you like boys now?! I will never accept gays they are disgusting! You're supposed to be the next ruler" His father continued yelling.

After Toyas father was finished "educating" Toya he left the room leaving Toya alone. It was late so Toya was really tired now, he went up to his room and got ready for bed. He flopped down on his bed after changing to something more comfortable. Toya rolled over to the side but there was one thing on his mind and that was Akito. Akito just wouldn't leave his mind, which made Toya more and more sadder to not be in his company. Hopefully they would meet one time again. But there was something really familiar with Akito, Toya just couldn't point it out.

In the morning Toya woke up quite early. He laid in his bed staring at the ceiling for a while until he decided to get up and get some breakfast before his father got there. He went down to the kitchen still with messy hair and pajamas and got some bread for breakfast. The breakfast got quickly made and eaten. After that Toya got up to his room again, on the way he thought of maybe going out today and maybe just maybe he would see Akito. His mind was now set on for going out today, when he got to his room he went over to his closet, since he was going outside he wanted to wear something that would blend more in with people. He went with a grey zip hoodie over a white shirt and black pants, something simple and would blend in not bringing to much attention on him, he also did his hair a little different than the usual.

After all that he opened up his window, luckily it wasn't that high up because of Toya's fear of heights. He jumped out of the window and ran over to a bush, he tried to stay hidden as much as he could. There wasn't any guards around the area with the garden, so he went over there. There was an opening with a bush he could leave from. Toya walked over to the bush and slipped through. On the other side of the bush he started running again, when he couldn't see the castle anymore he catches his breath. After a bit he started walking to the town. Ever since Toya was little he has never been in the town alone.

Toya kept looking around in his own thoughts until he saw a big crowd, he got more curious about it when he heard a beautiful voice singing. He walked to the crowd and pushed himself through when he saw who was singing Toya got quite shocked who he saw. The male who was singing was Akito and two other girls. The thing that pulled Toya more to the music was the type of music it was, the music wasn't all classical that Toya was used to, but he thought it sounded really good. After Akito and the girls were done the crowd started clapping and wanted more of them singing. One of the girls who had black hair fading into blue excused themselves that they couldn't do more. The crowd got silent and people started walking away except for Toya who looked amazed at them. The girl with black hair fading into blue whispered something to Akito and pointing at Toya which made Akito blush, the other girl with blond hair smiled and giggled. Akito walked flustered over to Toya.

"Akito! I didn't know you sang" Toya got happy over seeing Akito.

"Oh I kinda forgot to tell you but I have been singing for some years now" Akito put a hand on his neck.

"That's cool! I wish I could do it instead of having to play classical music all the time" Toya sighed

"Well if you can sing I could always make a spot for you, prince~" Akito smiled while the two girls came up to them.

"You didn't tell us he was the prince Akito" the black haired girl said

"You have been talking about me?" Toya asked curious

"N-no I haven't" Akito looked away

"Liar Akito, you're a liar. You keep talking about how amazing he is and how you wish you could be his boyfr-" Akito quickly covered a hand over the girls mouth with his face being all red, the black haired girl looked like she was going to burst out laughing any moment now. Toya watched this but couldn't help but also laugh a little over how Akito looked all red.

"Don't act like you don't talk a lot about Kohane, An!" Akito said as he let go of the other's mouth. The girl who is named An gets quiet meanwhile the other girl blushed.

"That's what I thought" Akito looked proud
"Oh and Toya I didn't know you were here" Akito looked slightly up at Toya

"Well I'm not really supposed to be here" Toya looked down a bit

"Oh, please don't get in to much trouble of sneaking out" Akito looked at Toya

"Kinda late for that Akito" Toya crossed his arms.

"Yeah I guess so but now since you are here let's have some fun here hm?" Akito said happily

"Hey I thought you said you were busy!" An yelled and crossed her arms.

"Yeah I'm busy with Toya" He puts an arm around Toya

"You literally planned it just now" An stared at them

"Mhm, you're right" Akito said still having his arm around Toyas shoulder.

"Picking favorites I see Akito! At least I still have Kohane here with me" She looked at Kohane

"Good luck on your date with her then!"

Akito and An continued arguing while Toya and Kohane listened to them arguing, they ended up looking at each other and gave a little smile excusing the other person.
Akito and An got finished arguing and dragged their partner with them.

// His Royal Highness love// Akitoya royal au //Where stories live. Discover now