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Toya stared at the window where a streak of light came inside. He was really excited to see Akito again even though he met him yesterday, Toya missed him. Toya looked up at the clock on his wall, he could just go now or wait a bit longer. He didn't want Akito to wait so it was better getting there early than late. Toya opened up the window and jumped outside.

The route he did yesterday was the same as he did now. He started walking towards the town. When he got there, there were a bunch of people but Toya ignored it and walked over to Weekend Garage. When Toya opened the door he saw a familiar face, it was the same man as yesterday.

"Oh hello Toya!" Ken said

"Hello Ken" Toya walked over to an empty table and sat down. Not to long after that he heard someone open the door. Toya quickly looked there and saw Akito. Akito looked for Toya and immediately saw him and walked right over.

"You're here early Toya" Akito sat down in front of Toya

"Yeah I got bored staying in my room"

"Understandable, oh and by the way um kinda weird but can I get your number" Akito got really awkward asking that.

"Oh sure, it is......." They both exchanged numbers and continued talking happy.

"So what do you wanna do now prince?"

"Well I actually don't know" Toyas face got warmer by hearing Akito calling him prince. There just was something with how he said it, Toya wouldn't lie he did really liked it.

"Toya?" Akito looked worried over at Toya.

"Yeah?" Toya realized he had been in his own thoughts for a while.

"You kept staring, so I was wondering if you were okay"

"Oh, don't worry I just zoned out for a bit"

"Alright then, should we go and see if there is anything interesting going on in town?" Akito asked.
Toya looked at Akito and answered with a nod.

The boys stood up and walked out. The sun was glowing bright over them both.

"Hey Toya wanna go to a theme park just for fun? It is on me"

"I actually brought some money with me this time so you shouldn't have to spend all of your money on me" Toya sighed but glad that Akito cared for him

"Well then are you still up for it?" Akito pretend to not really care if they went or not but in reality he really wanted to go there.

"Well I would love to go" Toya smiled softly making Akitos face heat up a bit again. Something with Toya was driving Akito crazy, but in a good way.

"Then let's go!" said Akito excitedly. Toya chuckled a little by hearing the excitement in Akitos voice. The boys walked toward the theme park together. The walk went by quickly as they both talked about random stuff all of the way. They finally arrived at the theme park and payed for their own tickets. As they walked in Toya could feel excitement like his inner child coming out just a little.

When Toya was a child he was never in places like this. His father thought it was just stupid and a waste of time. That time wasted there could be used to much more useful stuff according to him.

"What would you like to do first Akito?" Toya looked over to the other male beside him.

"Hm, wanna take that ride?" Akito pointed over to a rollercoaster which seemed pretty high up. Toya didn't really wanna take it, but for Akito he would.

// His Royal Highness love// Akitoya royal au //Where stories live. Discover now