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Toya was now sitting on the bed while Akito was still laying down next to the wall. Both of them were really quiet.

"Hey um Akito?" Toya said

"What is it?"

"I hate to say this but I don't think I can stay for long due to my dad probably gathering guards right now" Toya sighed
"If he ever sees you.. I don't know what he will do"

"Shh, Toya I will be fine I promise. Stay as long as you need I don't mind at all" Akito gave Toya a soft smile

"You sure? Do you realize what you're saying right now? My father could end you in a second" Toya got more worried. Akito nodded to response

"I will always make sure you're okay I don't care how it will affect me. Your happiness and safety is all that counts for me"

"Akito you idiot, without you I couldn't be happy" Toya crosses his arms and Akito quietly chuckles a little

"Yeah true I'm so amazing and all, I even made the prince like me~" Akito said jokingly

"Just shut up would you?" As Toya said that Akito couldn't help but laugh a little. Toya laid down again next to Akito and started to stare at the ceiling. Akito kept staring at Toya lost in his own thoughts. Akito had never had this feeling towards anyone before, the feeling of being safe and being all warm inside

"Akito?" Toya asked but got no answer in return. Toya tried again
"Akitoo" Toya was now staring back at Akito, then suddenly Akito snapped back into reality

"Huh, oh yeah?" Akito mumbles

"You keep staring at me is there anything wrong?"

"Oh no not at all" Akito answered

"Alright then if you say so, but could we get some food I'm starving" Toya says getting more and more hungry

"Sure, let's go to the kitchen or we can go out and eat, it's up to you" Akito says

"Well I don't wanna bother you with making anything, so let's go out and eat" Toya answered

"Alright then let's go" Akito sounded almost a bit relieved that Toya had said to go out and eat. In reality Akito didn't have much cooking skills and neither had Toya.

The boys walked out of the door and towards the town. On the way they ended up talking the whole time about bunch of different things, they really enjoyed each others company but didn't wanna exactly admit it. The way over to Weekend Garage which wasn't to far away from Akitos house which was a good thing. Right when they was about to pass a corner, they both immediately stopped. Something they hadn't expected on the way. And that was guards, royal guards to be more specific. Both of them froze, luckily the guards haven't spotted them yet. Toya turned to look at Akito with a serious look on his face.
"Akito, do as I say please"

"Huh, why?" Akito was confused over what Toya was planning

"Just say yes please I'm serious" Toya said still worrying about the guards that could spot them any minute

"Fine, what do I need to do?" As Akito said that it was already to late, the guards had spotted them and started running toward them fast. Toya quickly pulled up the hood Akito was wearing.

"What the heck are you doing?" Akito asked very confused.

"I don't want them to spot you, if they do..." Toya shook his head
"Just run! And don't look back, and I will distract them"


"Just go!" Toya gave Akito a push so he started to run. The guards had already caught up with Toya. Two guards of each of Toyas sides was now holding around his arms making sure he couldn't escape or try anything else. The guards didn't even bother trying to run after Akito, so their goal was probably just to catch Toya.

Meanwhile Akito had stopped running and was now catching his breath. He couldn't see any guards after him, so he thought he was safe, but that wasn't exactly the thing worrying him right now. The thing that was now really worrying him was Toya. He went back a little to see if he could see Toya, but what he saw wasn't what he had hoped for.

"That idiot, why would he do that for me?" He thought for himself as he watched Toya disappearing while being escorted by two guards holding him. The held the urge to run after him, but he knew that would only make things worse for the both of them. Akito waited until the guards left and went home disappointed in himself for not doing anything.

"Shit this is all my fault, if I just haven't suggested going out" Akito said as he kicked a rock hard. The rock flew pretty far away from akito and hit the ground making a tiny noise.
"Why do you always ruin stuff" Akito got more and more angry with himself as closer he came to his house again. His house came closer and closer. Now Akito could finally see his house. He opened the door loudly, not really caring about the noise and slammed it again. Then he went to lay down on the bed

Meanwhile with Toya

The hard grips of the guards was now starting to hurt. They held him like he was some sort of a criminal. Well Toya wasn't that sad, at least Akito had gotten away safely. Toya smiled slightly for himself but now he was wondering how long it would be until he saw Akito again if his father did anything about it. Toya shook his head slightly, if his father didn't want Toya to see Akito he would sneak out anyways to see him. Toya couldn't bear losing him after just meeting him again. He let out a sigh as they got to the castle


Hello hello dear people how are you today?
I apologise for the people who actually are waiting for this shit to get updated😭 I have lost so incredibly much motivation and honestly I feel like this sucks tbh

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