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Akito lead the way again for Toya once more. Akito rounded over to a corner, there was a sign on the building Toya looked up and read "Weekend Garage"

"They got pretty good food here, actually you know that girl An we talked earlier this day? Her father owns this place" Akito said looking at Toya

"That's cool" Toya stared at the building

"Let's go inside then" Akito walked inside the building and Toya followed right behind him. They went both over to the disk.

"Ah, hello nice you see you again kiddo" a man said

"Nice to see you too Mr. Shirashi"

"Just call me Ken Akito, oh! My apologies I didn't see you brought a friend" Ken took a quick look at Toya until he got shocked who it was.

"Aren't you the prince?" He asks

"Don't call me that just call me Toya please" Toya says quickly

"Oh then I'm sorry" Ken says in an apologizing voice

"It's fine" Toya smiled slightly

"Well should we find a table?" Akito asked, Toya nodded in response they both walked over to an empty table a little hidden and sat down.

"What will you have Toya?" Akito looked over to Toya who sat right across him on the other side of the table.

"Well about that... I kinda didn't bring any money so I don't think I will get anything" Toya looked at Akito

"Let me pay then" Akito says without no hesitation

"No no I'm fine without getting anything"

"Toya please just let me pay, think of it as a little gift"

"Akito no"

"Akito yes"



"Fine I give up" Toya sighs
"If you really want to order me something then get me a coffee"

"Alright then, a coffee it is for you meanwhile I get some pancakes" Toya could tell on the look on Akitos face that he loved pancakes. After a bit they both got their food and drink. Akito ate his pancakes happily and Toya couldn't help but look at him being so happy just for some pancakes. Toya blew on his coffee and drank it slowly because it was still really hot. When Toya was done he sat the cup down on the table and looked at Akito who also just got finished.

"I should maybe get home, father doesn't know I'm out so I don't wanna get home too late" Toya got a little upset of having to leave Akito now.

"Oh that's fine, want me to follow you for a bit?" Akito asked

Toya nodded
"I would like that"

The food got payed and the boys got outside again Toya thank him and they started walking towards the castle. After a little bit they could see the castle.

"This will definitely be one of my favorite days so far" Akito got surprised by what Toya just said

"I also really enjoyed being with you today" said Akito

"Umm if it's fine could we maybe hang out tomorrow?" Toya looked hopefully at Akito

"Oh yeah I would love that!" Akito said and Toya got happy hearing this

"Then what about tomorrow at the same hour with Weekend Garage?" Toya looked at Akito

"Sounds good to me" Akito replied

"Well bye then!" Toya waved to Akito as he started sprinting closer and closer to the castle making sure to not getting that much attention. When he got to the castle he slipped through the same hole in the bush as he came out from. Toya climbed carefully up to his room which wasn't high up. He got through his window and into his room.

Toya was happy with the day today, for him it was really fun hanging out with Akito. He felt safe with him, but he also did feel kinda weird when he's with other people Toya doesn't feel like that. Before they met again he did also feel like this when thinking about Akito. He wanted to just stay with him all the time.

Toya shook his head and walked over to a chair and tossed the jacket he had on there, then he walked over to the bed and flopped down on it. Thoughts about Akito came again and he started to wonder if Akito also had thoughts about him, what Toya didn't know was that he actually had

Akito watched as Toya ran and waved goodbye to him. Toya had a big place for him. Ever since Akito had to leave him and didn't even get to say bye he felt sad like something was missing. When he got Toya back he felt actually whole, a piece finally wasn't missing anymore.

Akito kept thinking of Toya as he walked home. He looked down at the rock he had been kicking for a while now and started wondering how long he had actually kicked that rock. He ended up accidentally kicking the rock into a bush and he didn't bother getting it so the rest of the way was without the rock

"Toya Toya Toya..." Akito whispered to himself as he looked down on the ground.

"Why do you have to do this to me" he could finally see his house. He walked up to his door and got hit by a familiar smell of paint.

"Ena are you painting again, you literally gassed the whole house down by the smell of paint" Akito said

"To bad!" He heard Ena shout back

Akito walked to his room and closed the door. He fell down in front of the door and hid his face with his knees.

"Toya, he's just so perfect. His smile is so pretty, and his lips looked so soft... WAIT WHAT" Akito shook his head fast and just stared at the wall in front of him thinking about what he just thought.

"Stop Akito stop you're being weird" Akito ended up nodding in agreement with himself. He stood up walking over to the bed and laid down on his back staring at the ceiling. Something with Toya made Akito feel weird, but he liked that. He also did feel a lot warmer with Toya

Haha gay panic for them both- author

Sooo I'm again sorry for not uploading much😭 I just don't have the time and motivation

And again hope you have a good night/day and remember to eat and drink

// His Royal Highness love// Akitoya royal au //Where stories live. Discover now