⤜ chapter IV

334 11 3

~ Humble Abode ~

7:45 PM

We finally left Wilbur's house, and now we're in the taxi heading home. Dream's finally going to see my house in person for the first time ever. It's an exciting, but scary feeling and i'm not sure how to feel exactly. I'm mostly just excited, because there's not really anything to be scared about. Except for the fact that Dream could be silently judging my house in his head and I wouldn't even know it. Now that's a possibility, but it's a very rare possibility. I don't think there's any chance Dream would do that.

He's a nice guy. Really, he is. Dream's not the judging type. He'd never make fun of anyone for having too much junk in their house, or for it being messy or anything like that. I don't have to worry about any of that, because I cleaned my house last night. It was mostly clean already, I just had to tidy it up a bit before he came. I didn't want his first impression of me to be that i'm lazy and filthy.

I'm not too worried about that though, because Dream is so fucking sweet. He is. He makes himself seem like such a cocky bastard online, but in person, he's a complete softie.

Im kind of nervous for him to start living with me. It won't be permanent, because i'm still supposed to go to America and live there with him and Sapnap. But it's still nerve racking. I'm not used to being around him that much. It's mainly just discord and phone calls i'm used to. I'm used to talking to him over a screen. Not in person. It's weird, but it's thrilling at the same time. Dream doesn't feel real to me. He feels like a hologram, or an hallucination. Not a real person.

Though he definitely is, my brain just hasn't comprehended that yet since he's been here.

I stop zoning out. This ride has been so quiet, i've had so much time to think. It's peaceful, but I also kind of wish Dream would make conversation because if I tried, I wouldn't be able to. I'm not sure what i'd talk about. I'm not sure what he'd listen to me talk about, but probably anything if i'm honest. Dream always listens to me no matter what I say. He's a good listener like that and I do highly appreciate it.

My hand rests against my cheek, elbow laying on the edge of the car window. I watch the scenery as it passes. Everything's dark, which makes since because it's nighttime. I've always loved nighttime, i've always adored how things look in dim lighting. I'm starting to pass out from the peaceful silence, until I hear Dream's voice in my ear.

"So how far is your house?" He asks, his hands laying neatly in his lap.

I look over at him, shrugging. He's sitting directly beside me in the middle seat of the taxi. Only because he insisted that he needed to. "Not far." I respond. "It's only about 10-15 more minutes away."

Dream nods his head in approval. I take that as my opportunity to look out the window again. A few more moments of silence pour into the car. The taxi driver not saying a word, the radio playing softly on low volume.

I can hear a short, quiet chuckle, coming from beside me. I look that direction. "I never thought i'd be visiting your house before you're visiting mine." He states.

I gather my thoughts for a second before responding. "Me neither, honestly. But it's kind of cool, I guess." I tell him, looking at my hands. Dream starts to talk, but I accidentally cut him off. "I'm excited for you to visit."

A large smile tugs at the corners of his lips. An ivory set of teeth peeking out. "Yeah?" His head tilts slightly. Dirty blond hair falling from his forehead.

His voice startles me a bit. It's a lower tone than usual. "Yeah." I repeat.

"Me too." Dream responds, picking at his cuticles. His hair falls over his eyes and he pushes it away. I really like his hair. The color is pretty, it reminds me of my girlfriend's hair. Except hers is a bit lighter and not as dirty as his.

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