⤜ chapter XXIII

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~ It's Raining, It's Pouring ~

9:32 AM

Two days later...

Dream and I are standing outside of the hospital. Waiting for our ride to get here. The rain falls from the beautiful, dusted grey clouds. I hear my name being called, but only silently. With the sounds of raindrops falling onto the pavilion. Gentle taps against pavement, and I feel at home. I've never really liked the rain all to much, but Dream seems to enjoy it. My thoughts are brought to an abrupt halt, and something else is catching my eye.

A bright, gentle, sweet ray of sunshine is glaring at me. Peeking at me with shimmer and dusting light onto my cheeks. I smile and hold my arms at my waist. Fingers held together, and I stare even more at the beautiful shining star, who stands right next to me. Minding his business and worrying about his own problems. But I want to take those away, I want to sweep him off his feet and catch him so off guard, his problems won't even be able to catch up to him.

I stare and stare some more until a gentle pair of glimmering, emerald infested eyes, are meeting with mine. I try to stay afloat and I try to hold the eye contact, but then he smiles and I fucking blow it. All for a smile. A sugary sweet smile too good to resist. Making me absolutely flutter all around as my stomach twists and turns at the movement. His light seems to shine brighter as my cheeks begin to grow hot.

He has that twinkle in his eye and mischief playing on his lips. He has a wild spirit but a soft heart, and such a sweet soul. A personality as complex as all the colors in the universe. All the colors that I cannot see.

Stars shine brightly in his eyes, stardust glows in his veins. There's a gentle nudge to my arm, and soon i'm being forced to pull my thoughts away from the beauty, within the man standing beside me.

"What're you looking at?" Dream blinks blankly at me. I stand there a few seconds, contemplating what to say.

I shrug. "Nothing in particular." I announce, eyes drifting to the rain for just a second before running back to him.

He chuckles slightly. "Is that so?"

I nod, and somehow, my head keeps turning to concrete. From my peripheral vision, I see Dream looking at me. My heart leaps and does a full on summersault right then and there. "Mhm. I'm not looking at anything specific. Just..just the rain I guess."

Dream chuckles even louder. His laughter bellowing throughout the parking lot. "You lie."

My head whips back in his direction. Eyes filled deep with confusion. "What? I-I don't."

"You stutter when you lie." He pauses for a moment, looking at me as I turn to face the rain once more. "And I can see you looking at my reflection from the puddle on the ground. You're not just looking at the rain."

At that moment I let loose. Smiling as contently as I can. Pouring all my emotions into one glance, one simple smile, and the combing of fingers through my hair. I redirect my gaze to the clock on my phone.

9:35 AM

"Wilbur should be here any time now to pick us up." My brow lifts and I feel a sudden sense of curiosity surge through me. I change the subject.

Dream looks at me. "Give him time. Traffic's probably just backed up." He says, shifting his weight to the other side.

"Yeah, probably."I respond, not saying much after that. My eyes trail the surrounding area. Seemingly falling back on Dream for unknown reasons. I can't seem to steer my eyes away from him, and i've never had that problem before. I'm watching the rain as it falls. Still waiting for our ride to get here.

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