⤜ chapter XII

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~ Hollow ~

12:15 AM

"Dream, are you okay?" Wilbur asks, looking at me from the rear view mirror. "Do you want me to stop at the store and get you something?"

I shake my head, looking out the window. Watching the scenery pass. "I'm fine." I'm not even sure what I would get. I don't need anything. I just need George next to my side again.

His brows soften, Wilbur looks concerned. "You sure?"

I nod at him from the back seat. "I'm sure."

Tommy readjusts in his seat. He turns around, looking at me from the passengers seat. His bright blond hair flops over his forehead. "What happened? Wilbur told me you and George got into a fight and needed some space from each other."

My only response is to nod again. "Yeah." I state dryly, picking at my nails. That's not exactly what happened. We didn't exactly get into a fight. I kissed him and he stormed off. That's it. That's what happened. But of course I wont tell Tommy that. I especially can't tell Wilbur, he'll kill me. That is if he doesn't already know.

"What'd you get into a fight for?" He asks curiously.

Wilbur swats him on the back. "Tommy, quit pestering. It doesn't matter. If George wanted us to know, he would've told us. It's none of our business what happened exactly."

Relief floods through me. I'm thankful Wilbur isn't all up in my business. I'm also glad George didn't tell him what really happened earlier. I'm still processing everything that happened. My head's still spinning with endless thoughts. The feeling of George's lips against mine haunt me. I miss it, oddly enough. I want him back. I want his warmth and his touch swarming against me again.

I can't believe I even kissed him in the first place. I didn't think I was into him like that. I'm still not sure what this feeling is and what it means. I don't like him, I don't think. I surprised myself with that kiss. But he kissed me back. For a second it felt like he wouldn't, but then he did and my heart exploded.

I keep forgetting that he has a girlfriend. I don't know what I was thinking. George has a girlfriend. He had every right to push me away. But why did he kiss me back? To see what it'd feel like? Because he was scared of hurting me? Rejecting me? I don't know anything about what happened. I'm as clueless as he is.

My heart starts pounding again, just by thinking about it. I don't want to picture him and I kissing again. Because it makes me feel things I shouldn't. It makes my stomach twist and turn more than I think it should. I miss him already, and he just left.

I feel so fucking stupid. I feel bad for putting George in this situation. I should have never kissed him. I know that. So then why did I do it? I still can't find an answer. Nothing but the thought of him pops up. It's just me and my thoughts, surrounded by this hollow feeling in my stomach. I'm not sure what to do besides sit here, watching the scenery as it passes. I want to kick myself for messing this up. None of this would've happened, and George and I would be headed home together if I hadn't kissed him then.

We end up finishing the car ride with a long stretch of silence. Nobody talks. Hardly even Tommy, which is surprising for him. Wilbur puts the car in park, I unbuckle my seatbelt. As I open the car door, Wilbur steps out with me. He readjusts his brown knitted sweater, keys swaying in his hands.

"I've got a spare key, i'll let you in." He says, walking with me to the door. I turn towards the car before heading up George's driveway. Tommy's sitting there in the passengers side, palm against his cheek. I feel bad for the kid. He just wants to know what's going on, but I can't explain it. I hardly even know what's going on between me and George.

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