⤜ chapter XXVIII

210 6 16

~ Sad, Beautiful, Tragic ~

4:23 PM

A couple weeks later...

The room is dead silent. Not a sound spills into the air. Hardly even the sound of my breathing, because i'm holding my breath. Trying my absolute best not to cry. I don't want to cry. I don't want to seem weak. The chair i'm sitting in, suddenly becomes really uncomfortable. I'm readjusting every five seconds. Not finding any comfort in it. I can't find comfort in anything here lately.

I sit here, staring at my blank screen, with a blank expression spread across my face. The light illuminates onto my face, i've got discord pulled up. Sinking into my chair even more, and crossing my arms.

"George," Sapnap's voice startles me. I forgot I was even in a call with him in the first place. It's the same low, soft tone that Dream always used to use with me when calling my name.

I clear my throat, picking at the cuticles of my nails. Shaking off the knot building up in the back of it. "What?"

I hear him let out a sigh. "Are you alright? You haven't talked for a good ten minutes."

I'm biting my nails anxiously. I don't know why Sapnap asked if i'm alright. I don't know why he thought that was a good idea. Of course i'm not okay. I mean seriously, why would he ask such a thing? "Yeah." I respond, lying.

Sapnap's discord bubble lights up. I focus my attention towards it. "You sure? Because I know what you're going through. I understand how hard this is for you."

I take a deep breath in. "Yes, i'm fine, okay? I am fine." I explain, angrily. Sitting up in my seat, and resting a palm against my cheek. Elbow against the desktop.

He sighs heavily. "I know you're not. You just lost your best friend, i'm going through the same thing, George." Sapnap tells me.

I shake my head. "No, you don't—" I groan. "You don't understand." I try talking again, but Sapnap cuts me off.

"I do understand. You're going through grief, just like I am. Your best friend just passed away, it's okay for you to feel like this." Sapnap expresses.

I shake my head some more, tapping my fingers again the desktop. "I watched him die, Sapnap. He was right there in my fucking arms. Do you know how horrifying that was for me?" I swallow, trying to sooth the dryness of my throat. "I watched my boyfriend die right in front of my eyes." The words come out so quickly, I hardly have a chance to recognize what i've said.

Sapnap's quiet for a moment. I hear the click of his tongue, and the squeaking of his chair as he adjusts in it. "Your...what?" The shock laces itself on the edges of his words.

My heart skips a beat. I sink further into my chair. Biting down hard on my fingernail. "My...my boyfriend. He was my boyfriend."

There's more silence that floods into the call. I'm staring down at my socks, trying to focus on anything else but the harsh thumping of my heart and the stinging of my throat.

"You and Dream were dating?" Sapnap asks, his voice trailing off. His tone softening.

I shrug, though he can't see. "It was never actually official, but we did all the things that couples do." I explain, trying to steady my vocal cords. "Dream was my boyfriend. Or at least I like to think of it that way."

Sapnap exhales gently through the mic. I hear it through my headphones. He's fairly quiet for the next few minutes. "You never told me you liked him. I thought you had a girlfriend."

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