⤜ chapter XI

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~ The Aftermath ~

11:54 PM

I'm kissing Dream. It's so unreal and unexpected. He's holding his hand underneath my jaw. Tugging me closer by an inch. I let out a short, breathy sound. His lips are smashed against mine again. Dream's hands are soft and his touch is so delicate. I squeeze my fingers between his dirty blond strands of hair. My stomach drops, i'm getting this ongoing tingling sensation down my spine and all over my body. I don't know what to do about it.

It's warm, comforting, but also—it's wrong. This isn't me.

Dream tastes so fucking good. I'm digging my nails into his broad shoulder, as he's deepening the kiss. His hand's on my waist, my insides are erupting into a fit of tiny explosions. I almost want to throw up from the feeling. I've never ever been held like this. Not against my waist before. Not by a guy.

He tugs the collar of my hoodie. The shock melts across my face, I part from him to catch my breath. Dream's so gentle with me, it's everything i've ever wanted. I've never felt anything like this. Nothing this overpowering before. I want him closer, but i'm already as close as it gets. A string of saliva attaches the two of our tongues. His breath is caught against my neck and it sends strong shivers down my spine.

I don't even feel this way with my girlfriend. I pause, catching my breath again. My girlfriend. She's going to be so pissed. It all comes flooding back to me. My senses, my thoughts, my common fucking decency. I had lost all of them in just the matter of a few seconds. Too busy in the act of kissing Dream. Dream. I fucking kissed Dream.

My best friend. I just kissed him. He kissed me. I cheated on my girlfriend. I'm not even gay! Why did I kiss him? I'm not into guys. My head and my thoughts are fucked up. Everything is a mess. My face is flushed, my heart is racing, my hands are trembling. What the hell is this?

Nothing makes sense. I just cheated on my girlfriend with a guy. What do I do now? Does it even count as cheating if i'm not into him? Because i'm not. I don't like guys and I for damn sure don't like Dream.

I'm pulling away from him. His hands fall from my body and down to his sides. He looks upset. I shouldn't have let this happen. I don't know what I was thinking. Letting Dream kiss me like that. It's not right, I have to apologize to my girlfriend now. I'm not even sure if she'll forgive me.

But should I tell her at all? Maybe I should keep it secret. I mean, what if this breaks us and tears our relationship apart? I don't want that happening. I should just stay silent.

"I-I have to go." I announce suddenly, wiping the saliva off of my cheek. Dream stands there in total disbelief. I feel bad. He looks heartbroken. "I'm sorry." I mutter, calling a cab on my phone.

"George." He mutters ever so quietly, reaching a hand out for me.

I turn abruptly on my heel, facing him. Staring into his sorrowful eyes as much as I don't want to. His voice makes me tingle all over and I want to smack the feeling away. It shouldn't do that. He voice shouldn't make me feel like this. I shouldn't be so pleased with his accent or the way he says my name. I shouldn't have the strong urge to take it away, by kissing him again. I shouldn't even be thinking about kissing him. Because it's not right, it's not fair to my girlfriend. And i'm straight for gods sake!

Why did I do that? Why did I let him kiss me?Even if it was a good kiss. Probably the best one i've had, if i'm honest. Dream's a good fucking kisser, but I shouldn't have gave in. I'm not into guys like that. I don't like Dream like that.

Dream's holding my upper arm with hardly any strength at all. He's not trying to keep me from walking away, he's just trying to get my attention.

"I have a girlfriend." I repeat to him. Making sure he hears me. Shooting a glance at his hand around my arm. "That was a mistake, I don't know why I did that." I inform him. The droopy mess of his brows grow heavier. Dream doesn't look very happy. I wouldn't be very happy if I were in his situation either, so I can't say I blame him.

I'm not sure if he's into me, or if he just felt like kissing me, but I'm not into guys either way. I also just can't imagine Dream liking me. It doesn't seem like him, i'm not the type of guy he'd be into. At least I don't think. I've never actually met a guy that Dream's been into. Mostly because we've talked online for ages and just met up a couple days ago. It's still such a surreal feeling, and this is not how I had planned for it to go at all.

"It's okay, George." He says, stuffing his hands inside his jeans pockets. Dream keeps using my name in this soft, effortless tone and I keep absolutely melting over it. His lips are kiss bitten. Saliva still coated atop them lightly. I have to force myself to look away, because for some reason, his appearance is drawing my attention. I keep wanting to do it all over again. Even with this strong, sinking feeling in my chest that's telling me no. I still want to do it.

A text message appears on my phone. My cab is here. I look at Dream and then behind me at the vehicle pulling into the parking lot. "Can you just catch a ride with Wilbur? He'll take you to my house, i'm going to stay at Camille's." I suggest. Slowly making my way to the cab. "I just need time to think about what happened." I tell him.

Dream nods. Putting on a very obviously forced smile. "Yeah, it's okay." He tells me.

"Thank you, Dream." I say, rushing into the cab. Trying to avoid the small trickling of the rain. I watch his face fall as the cab drives away. His expression very much beaten and confused. I'm not sure what I just got myself into, but i'm in for one hell of a ride. That's for certain.

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