⤜ chapter XXIV

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~ Stars By The Pocketful ~

7:30 PM

A week later...

George and I have been hanging out nonstop. He told me about how he broke up with his girlfriend, and he's been staying at his real home for the past week. Which is here, where I am. With me. It's great, honestly. I missed this. I missed when I had first came to London, I missed spending quality time with him like this. I'm just glad we could get over the night that Camille walked in on George cheating on her. It was miserable, I hate reciting that night in my head. But we've talked since then.

I know my feelings for George. They've been here forever, even if I haven't known it for that long. Even if I only realized it just a few weeks ago. Our friendship is still flourishing, becoming stronger than ever. I wouldn't want to give it up for the world. I just wish George knew how he felt about me. Because something's there. I'm not sure what, but it's something. Whether it's just a simple attraction, or a large, flickering flame in his heart. George feels some way about me.

It may not be much, and it may not be what i'm wanting from him, but it'll do. As long as he's by my side, i'll be okay. And that's all I can really ask for.

"Hey," A gentle voice speaks, calling my attention that way.

I perk my head up, my eyes already catching his. "What's up?" I ask, giving him an answer immediately.

George smiles. Soft and sweet, it's got all of my attention. I'm drawn to it, to every aspect of his precious features. I'm forcefully drawn to everything about him. "What do you think about going to the arcade with Wil and Tommy?" He questions, swooping his hair to the side.

My response takes a minute. It's hard to speak when he's taking my breath away, just by being this pretty. I part my lips. Uncrossing my arms and resting my elbows against the table. We're sitting outside on George's deck, because he insisted on getting fresh air. I didn't oppose the idea, because it sounded kind of nice, actually. And it is. "I think..." I say, inhaling. Watching his head tilt in curiosity. My insides flutter and twinkle just about as great as these stars littering the night sky.

"Yeah?" George persists, waiting for me to finish.

I give him a sly smile, leaning closer towards the table. "That i'd much rather just stay here with you." I tell him.

A smile makes its way onto his precious, plump, pink, lips. I watch the dimple as it forms on his cheek, and he rolls his eyes at me, playfully. "Why? That is literally so boring." George emphasizes.

The brown in his eyes mesmerizes me. I'm suddenly fascinated with the way the coloring resembles chocolate, or how full of life they are. I'm intrigued with the way he bats his eyelashes at me, making him seem so much more attractive than he is already. The color of his eyes enrapture me, to the point where I forget what he's even said, because i've just been staring at him. Saying not a word, and watching the confusion stir in his face. But the brown of his eyes just looks so pretty, and I think the green of mine wouldn't mind getting lost into his enchanting beauty.

"Dream." George states, more aggressively than I would have sought him to.

I raise my brows at him. "Hm?" I answer.

He scoffs, his forehead falling into his palm. "Quit staring at me like that, it's making me nervous."

A laugh shoots up my throat and out my mouth. A mere wheeze, a genuine laughter spurting out into the atmosphere. "Making you nervous?" I ask, repeating part of what he's said.

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