⤜ chapter XXV

189 6 4

~ Love Letter ~

10:06 PM

"Goodnight, Dream." George says, as he walks past me and into his bedroom. Our shoulders brushing against each other. I watch him as he enters, standing in the doorframe.

A small smile tugs at my lips. I nod at him, my hand carved around the outside of the doorframe. "Yeah, sleep tight, George." I tell him, expecting him to close the door in front of me and get underneath his covers. But he doesn't, we both just kind of stand here, staring at each other.

I laugh to fill the silence, when it becomes unbearably awkward. He does the same, and it fills my heart with complete joy. My legs want to take me to the room across the hall, my room, but as i'm turning on my heel, I get sucked backwards to George's room. His hand grasping my wrist, making sure I don't leave. It's sort of a warming feeling, I don't want it to go away. My eyes just lock onto his, the best they can in this dim lighting.

My glance drifts to George's hand clasped around my wrist, then back up. "Need something?" I ask, lightheartedly.

He just smiles nervously, continuing to look at my wrist. Fidgeting his thumb across my skin. "No, I uh—" George clears his throat, not looking up for a good minute after.

I tilt my head in response, even though he's not looking at me.

"I have something for you, let me get it real quick." George says, eyes drifting my direction for a split second, before letting my wrist go, and entering further into his room.

I smile at him gently, following behind in his footsteps. "You do?" I question, softly. Watching as he digs through the drawer of his bedside table. I'm not sure what it is he's looking for, but it seems to be of importance to him.

George hums in agreement. "Mhm." Pulling something out from the drawer and facing my direction. "Give me your wrist." He says, holding what seems to be a bracelet in between his fingers.

I do as he says, offering my wrist out to him. George starts putting it on me immediately. It's green, and I notice the blue bracelet he's got on his own wrist to match. "Did you make this?" I ask, looking up at the concentration implanted beneath his dark eyes.

He nods, snapping the bracelet together. "Yeah. I'd thought i'd give it to you since you know, you're leaving tomorrow and—and I wanted you to have a little piece of me when you do." George explains, still looking at the bracelet on my wrist.

I gaze at it, my smile expanding. I mess with it between my fingers, looking at the braided strings. "Thank you. I really appreciate that, George."

He shrugs, waving me off. "It's not a problem."

"If I knew you were making me this, i'd of given you something in return." I tell him, gesturing towards the bracelet.

George shakes his head, clamping his hand around his own wrist. "Ah, it's okay. I don't need anything." He says. "I'm just glad you don't hate me after being so shitty to you."

"You haven't been shitty." I respond. "You're just...confused." I tell him. "And I get it, truly, I do." I explain, a smile still risen upon my lips. I don't want him to feel like that. I don't want George to think that me leaving is his fault. I don't want him to think that he's the one who caused me overdose in his bathroom, or cry myself to sleep at night. Because he's not. It's my overthinking that caused all of those things. Sure, George has a part in it, but a very very small one. He's not the reason I ended up in the hospital.

He forces a smile, nodding at the ground. Tightening his grip around his wrist. "Yeah..." He says, his voice trailing off. Eyes glued to the floor.

My glance falls down to his arms, that are hugged tightly against his waist. I take his trembling hand in mine. "Hey," I say, softly. George looks at me, his gaze flickering all around the place. He can't find one single subject to focus on. "Thank you for the bracelet...again."

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