𝐢. promises

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     OUTERBANKS. Paradise on earth. Outerbanks was a twisted, controversial, island. It was the kind of place where you either have two jobs or two houses— rarely both. Some have neither.

Two tribes, one island.

The southside, or most known as, the cut. This is the type of place where you do have two jobs. People here fight for what they have, even if it's for a pair of socks. But, even if the kooks are well aware of that, they could care less.

Now, the home of the kooks. The stereotypical rich kids with no home training. And if they do have home training, they're arrogant pricks. They tend to all be assholes.

Except one Kook.

June Quinn. She was the Kook queen. Everybody knew her. She was the queen B. But, not all queen bee's are despicable people. She was actually a sweetheart. She grew up as a Pogue meaning she didn't have much as a kid. Though, somehow her family climbed too the top.

June never forgets where she came from. Even if its supposedly a place you're suppose too hate, she loved it. The adventure. Her life wasn't boring, but being around people that only talked about money and how much dick they get is.

Sarah Cameron was June's best friend. They grew up together because of their dads. Their parents practically forced them too be friends, and matter a fact, the first year of knowing each other, all they did was fight. Even if they were only ten, they still hated each other.

But, they grew too be best friends after their parents sent them too the beach where June tried too teach her how too surf, only too watch her hit the water with rough impact.

But, the outer banks was a difficult place to live in. Fights, shootings, judgement. If you weren't like any other kook, they hated you. Even, if you were June Quinn or Sarah Cameron.

Sarah Cameron thrived off her dads money, making every one believe she was just another spoiled rich bitch. But, she was actually the opposite. Yes, she could be a bitch, but, she was the only girl that ever really looked at June as if she wasn't just a toy too pull around. She genuinely cared about her.

"I'm not going, Sarah." She shook her head, rushing up the stairs of her home. Her best friend, Sarah Cameron, was currently trying too convince her too go to a party with her and her boyfriend, not listening too the fact she didn't wanna third wheel.

"Please, it'll be so much fun!" The beautiful blonde chased after her, holding her hands together in a begging motion, "Sar', no! I don't wanna see Topper shoving his tongue down your throat every second. It's sickening. It makes me wanna just die honestly. Shits disgusting. Ew!" She got the chills just thinking about it.

"And I don't wanna see Trevor. He's gonna wanna reconsider our relationship terms like I have some type of mood switch in my head." She rambled.

"You know, I can't go without you. Your like my party buddy," June rolled her eyes at that one, "Okay, how about we make a deal?"

"Hit me. It's not gonna work." She shrugged, taking a seat infront of her vanity, "You can drsss me up. However you like. My makeup, my hair," She was cut off by the widest smile, "Yes!" Sarah laughed loudly at her antics, almost falling as she dragged her too the closet.

June was also an over the top fashionista. She was big on that. She didn't care how others dressed because, well, it was none of her business. But, how she dressed? It definitely mattered.

Sometimes she realizes she only reacts that way because she used to live in a small one bedroom apartment with her two brothers. But, they live with her uncle. June has come too the conclusion that everything is temporary. And it took a long time to come to terms with that.

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