𝐱𝐱𝐯. run & chase

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   JUNE WAITED PATIENTLY a blanket over her body as she sat with her hands on her knees. She desperately needed Kiara. She needed her touch, her comfort. But, she was no where to be found and all she could do was wait.

June didn't know how to feel. Many emotions coursed through her body at a fast pace that had her whole body trembling. The deck's cool temperature had her holding her knees to her chest, staring at the water infront of her.

June let her thoughts eat her alive, especially what happened with Sarah the previous night. How could she do that? The minute June got her back it was like a snap that took her away in a second. It wasn't fair.

"June?" Kiara called out, standing on top of the boat. She had never stood up faster in her life, her teary eyed face catching the attention of the brunette.

She immediately hopped off the boat, watching Pope get off too before she let June hug her. "Are you okay?" June nodded, but her eyes couldn't help but stare at Pope who was looking at her with a guilty expression. And as she looked between the two she knew.

"No, not really." June denied, pulling out the hug. "What happened?" As she was about to explain, the sound of footsteps on the deck and calling made their heads whip in that direction. "Kie! Pope! Finally." JJ said. "Guys, don't tie up! We're dipping."

"What, why?" Pope questioned, "Where'd you guys go, what happened last night?" John B asked, walking down with Sarah in his arms. "We slept on the break. What's up?"

June looked between the two and Kiara looked at her feet. All she could do was shake her head as she looked at them before speaking, "We gotta get the hell outta here."

"Rafe knows we're here, so we have to leave, like, now." Sarah demanded, hopping into the boat with the assistance of John B.

June was now not sad but pissed. She couldn't even think about the situation because all she wanted to do was scream. Scream about her mom, scream about the gold, and especially Sarah Cameron.

"If Rafe and Barry know, it's only a matter of time." Sarah explained, "Before everyone knows."

"I told you. We should've just gone south, man. Why does no one ever listen?" JJ complained, pacing back and fourth. June sat back in her seat with her arms crossed, looking at the ground. How she wished she could go back in time to the day of the party. She wished she never walked up to the pogues with that weed because she would've been happy. She wouldn't have lost so much.

Mainly herself. Every morning when she looked in the mirror she had no idea who was looking back at her. It was an unfamiliar face that she didn't even recognize anymore.

"I get it! I get it! I understand." John B said, making JJ calm down as he sat next to the girl. "I have an idea." Sarah sighed, "With me back, my dads going to have to choose between me and Rafe. He's gonna choose me." June furrowed her eyes at the girl, "You can't be serious."

"Just please listen. Ward keeps lying to you, Sarah." The blonde girl looked at her feet in defeat, "He's not gonna agree after everything that's happened." Kiara said, "No. I know it sounds crazy,"

"Yeah, it does!" Kiara agreed mockingly, "I know! But he's my dad. And I know him, and he loves me. I'm just asking for two hours." June watched as she got up and all she desperately wanted to do was grab her and tell her everything was gonna be fine.

But, someone beat her to the chase.

June could no longer sit as she got up, departing from the group. Kiara watched her walk away, the girls small figure being wrapped with her own arms.

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